Does something need to be done about dogs?

I do believe personally that the American bully, normal and XL, should be added to the banned list, but not the American Bulldog. That’s a different breed altogether.
It would be far easier and quicker for you simply state the page on which it can be found. That’s the point of proper citation.

It would have been far quicker for him to type a couple of words in to the search box on the pdf than a post here. Tbh its worth a read of the doc in full. Some interesting points and stats. Quote in question is in the opener to section 2.
last year there were around 6700 dog bites that required hospitalisation. Hardly hundreds of thousands.

I read the doc and it's reference (regarding the 200k claim) there are a lot of references to it in the media (210k attacks per year) but I can't find anywhere where that figure was derived, or the study which came up with it that related to the UK.

I did find an American study from the 1980s, which does claim that around 200k people are attacked each year, 40k of which are seriously injured - but that's an American study, so it doesn't feel right: (towards the bottom of the introduction)

A study based on an American survey found that for every person killed by a dog, as much as 200,000 people are bitten, and around 40,000 so severely that they seek medical attention for their dog bite [5].

I don't believe, that we're seeing 40k people being seriously injured by dogs in the UK alone, each year - that's mental, that's 110 people in A&E every day, due to dog attacks - it's nonsense, it looks like they've conflated the stats from the US.
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I would  never get a rescue dog if I had kids. In fact I won't get one whilst my friends all have young kids. Way too risky.

You've no idea what had happened to them or what could trigger them.

Just get a small one that's nice.

We've had 4 rescue dogs. Never any other. One of them when I was pre-school. He was a puppy, but I've never, ever felt in danger from any of them and would be happy to leave children around them. They're dogs. I'd trust them over humans.
Getting a fighting type dog from a rescue centre is downright bonkers.

Somewhat true.

We got a staffie cross from a rescue though and she was one of the most maternal beings I've ever known.

And that narky and barky she had to be isolated at the rescue centre. She was lovely. I'd have trusted her with my own life. She was grown. Maybe 2 or 3.

She really hated badgers though. So yeah, I think she had some bad history.
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