Does something need to be done about dogs?

No but they run...

There just as moody. Always hot and cold in my experience.

It's interesting that there's nearly as many deaths by dogs as there are deaths by cow in that timespan

It seems most deaths cow are on dog walkers though so perhaps we could add deaths by cow to deaths by dog because deaths by cow seems to be caused by having a dog

Its an interesting question. should we mark the death as a dog killing the person due to there being a relationship between having the dog and dyeing or is it the cows fault for killing the person so we mark it as a cow death? I suppose its the same with baths really. Was it the Baths fault for killing people? Baring in mind it was in its natural habitat in the "bathroom" minding its own business causing no deaths but strangely enough 9/10 people who died in the bath which I would like to add is roughly 5 x the amount as dogs had their clothes on the floor... so should we really mark it down as death by clothes? Its an interesting conundrum.
Its an interesting question. should we mark the death as a dog killing the person due to there being a relationship between having the dog and dyeing or is it the cows fault for killing the person so we mark it as a cow death? I suppose its the same with baths really. Was it the Baths fault for killing people? Baring in mind it was in its natural habitat in the "bathroom" minding its own business causing no deaths but strangely enough 9/10 people who died in the bath which I would like to add is roughly 5 x the amount as dogs had their clothes on the floor... so should we really mark it down as death by clothes? Its an interesting conundrum.

Well if they were walking without the dog, would the cow have killed them ? It's like deaths "with" covid, is it the covid that killed them or did they just happened to have covid when they died :)
Well if they were walking without the dog, would the cow have killed them ? It's like deaths "with" covid, is it the covid that killed them or did they just happened to have covid when they died :)
Are you being facetious? I haven't kept up with the thread (boring :D ) to get context but a lot of cow attacks are due to people saving their dogs from them. Cows don't like dogs.
For sure it's not the dogs fault, it doesn't know any better, the fault lies on the owner, but we have laws in place because people are stupid and need a law telling them they shouldn't do things so like in my original post I believe that Dogs should be banned from farm land and must be kept on a lead at all times whenever it's in public, yes it hurts the responsible owners but most laws we have hurt responsible people it's just the way it is.

Interestingly in scenarios of dog walker vs. cow the dog being let go of (essentially off lead) is safer. Most tramples happen when people try to defend their dogs.

Also, you can't ban dogs from farmland that has public footpaths through it. Also, farm owners can and will shoot out of control dogs on their land, as a result we keep ours on lead when there is a chance they could bolt after something on private land.
No but they run...

No, they really don't like them.

My father in law has both cows and a dog. I've seen it in action :D

I've got a dog with cow patterns and colouring. I'll have to send her in to investigate this hatred.

To bring the thread back on topic, there is a discussion to be had regarding dog ownership around children. Bringing a child into the home of an established dog/owner relationship can sometimes be tricky at best and dangerous at worst. Problem being you're going into the private choices and lives of people within their own walls. It's a tricky one. Maybe there should be more guidance and some sort of safety course made available for dog owners during the pregnancy to at least attempt to educate about the possible dangers. Unsure what you can do for already established families bringing puppies/dogs into the mix, could this be something the breeders be made to be responsible for? It may discourage breeders taking risks selling to families. Unsure how rescues do it?

I bet most parents mixing kids and dogs were brought up with a family dog, as a result maybe overly confident as everything was fine with them. Who knows what goes through the mind of families to do it, the parents that lost their child the other week will likely never forgive themselves.
Well if they were walking without the dog, would the cow have killed them ? It's like deaths "with" covid, is it the covid that killed them or did they just happened to have covid when they died :)

So there are very few deaths by cows, however as you say a large percentage of those are by people with dogs but this still makes it a very very small amount of cases. So based on your thinking it's the dog being with them which has resulted in them being killed. Now when we look at the larger statistics of the total amount of dog walkers who pass cows with their dogs, which must be in the millions of encounters over the year. 99.9999% of these encounters resulted in the dog walkers not being killed by cows, even though they had a dog with them. So surely the opposite is equally as true if the dog is responsible for the death due to them being with the person while being killed by a cow. Then they are also responsible for them not being killed on the 99.9999% of times the dog walkers were not attacked?
Unsure how rescues do it?

My recent experience, application form for dog of interest which you could lie on. State your address, home and garden details, if you have kids, experience with dogs etc

If selected as a potential adopter from the form then virtual tour of home and garden or in person visit

If successful from the tour then 3 visits to the dog at the kennels, second including the kids and pick up on the 3rd visit
My recent experience, application form for dog of interest which you could lie on. State your address, home and garden details, if you have kids, experience with dogs etc

If selected as a potential adopter from the form then virtual tour of home and garden or in person visit

If successful from the tour then 3 visits to the dog at the kennels, second including the kids and pick up on the 3rd visit

So pretty stringent and always room for improvement. Same with breeders.

All your left with then is the families that get a pup/dog from a "mate" or someone down the pub. That's something that needs to be stopped before you get the point of applying more controls.
A legal requirement to have dogs trained and this checked by a qualified person. This should be particularly stringent on any breeds that are crossed with illegal breeds. A bit like giving the dog something equivalent to a driving license, it is trained how to behave. If the owner is not appropriately looking after the dog then that would be reflected during the checks it has across its lifetime.
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