Looking at these stories, a "killer dog" seems to be about anything though, and I shouldn't think there's a single dog owner who hasn't left a child alone with their dog for a moment.
A 6-week-old girl died Saturday night after she was mauled by the family's dog, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
A Pomeranian ffs
Oh, and the lovely Golden Retriever/Lab cross tearing off a child's legs..!
I appreciate we are talking about scale of attacks when it comes to the larger more dangerous breeds, but no animal is entirely safe.
Hell, there's a story here of a cat sitting on a toddler and smothering it to death.
Family pets can become an integral part of the household, often developing an unbreakable bond on par with the relationship between parent and child. But sometimes a family pet can be unpredictable. They can turn on their owner in an instant, without warning. And sometimes, a child is on the...
And death by snakes, rats, horse, bengal tiger (well, no surprise on that last one!)