One of the things I've noticed with the rental ones where I've seen them is how often they're just left at random on the path, often on their side which is just great for anyone who is in a powered chair/mobility scooter or has visual problems (i mainly encounter the "legal" ones in Milton Keynes, a place that is generally exceptionally disabled friendly).So Paris has banned rental scooters:
Paris says au revoir to rental e-scooters
The ban comes after a vote in the French capital - but is it democracy in action?
We have a rental service in our town which started off with e-scooters and has recently had e-Bikes added to the fleet. As someone who actively uses these services in the manner they're intended (actually riding them on the road), I fully support a ban.
Unfortunately the vast majority of other users are riding them dangerously by either being on the pavement, or having two riders on them at the same time. Living close to my place of work and our town centre, I'm often walking with headphones in and I've lost count of the near misses where e-scooter riders barely scrape past me from behind.
tl/Dr We can't have nice things because of people.
I've had more than one of the "private" ones going faster on the pavement than I am on the road, when I'm doing 15-20mph, and seen a couple doing what was probably 45 on the road (overtook me as i was doing 40 as that was the limit) with no lights or protective gear and being ridden by an utter prat of a teen.
I honestly can't say that I've seen many used in a way that could be described as safe, let alone legally.
*I had one overtake me in a 20 limit earlier, he was on the pavement.
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