Does your pet like strange food?

The other thing I find funny is the amount of people who say their dogs/cats are fussy eaters, Max has been taught that when we put food down for him if he doesn't eat it, it won't stay there for very long.

So he eats what we want him to eat when he is hungry.

For the record, and in relation to the Garlic debate it's actually quite simple.

You CAN give your dog garlic everyday, and as Kahn said, it does act as a natural flea repelant.

But like with onions, leeks, chives, mushrooms and a few others, it MUST be cooked first.

It's the toxins in the fibrous (sic) pulp that causes the problems. Cooking the vegetables reduces these toxins to a minimum AND makes the pulp less fibrous (sic).
My cockatiel likes to eat rice and also mashed potato in small balls :D The potato balls sometimes stick to his beak so he shakes his head which then sends said potato ball flying off into the distance.

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