Dom's Training Log

How long is each session? I feel rushed when fit my training in to an hour and 15 mins. Might need to encourage my self to get out of bed an hour earlier to get closer to 2 hours on gym floor before work.
Bro, why you no post photo of you with your awesome trophy :( I spent so much monies :(

I'm sorry bro, my posing pouch has been in the dry cleaners all week :(.

But srsly, I will get one. Probably on Wednesday when I'm back in the gym.

Sounds good LiE. The Mackenzies are much weaker than the nose torque you tried at ours but they will still give you a boot up the arse :).
Good plan, I think I would have been put off for life if I had gone straight to nose torque!

We got a new batch and I had forgotten how strong they are when fresh.
Well this week has been a little frustrating training wise.

I have had a tendency after a heavy leg day to get some ropey feelings in my quads from my hip flexors being incredibly tight, it mostly stopped being a problem when I got more aggressive with my soft tissue and stretching. However after that little mishap with my deads I appear to have aggregated the issue but only on my left leg. Whatever exactly happened to cause the rotation obviously loading something in my left hip strangely. If has been very painful all week and was even giving me problems walking on Wednesday.

This was concerning, so I spent nearly every free moment heating, stretching and smashing my quad, it was getting better slowly but I having someone smash it for me today at physio was amazing. I think it has almost removed it completely which is a massive load off my mind. I am squatting tomorrow with some reasonably light doubles so we will see how it goes but I am going to continue with the slightly over cautious treatment for recovery because I do not want anything new to arise or any of my small niggles becoming bigger than that.

I going to smash this comp next week and nothing will stop that. It pb time bishes!

In other news I'm adjusting my diet to incorporate a little more food to make sure I am recovering as fast as possible. I won't be much heavier on comp day, I'll just probably look a little less sexy :(. I decided to abort the whole getting ripped plan for now at least, it was daft to think about it so close to comp but I did lose enough weight to get me back into the right weight class :p.

Also bench has been going great, all kinds of gains!
Good to hear you have it under control. You'll be beasting it on comp day I'm sure. All kinds of pbs!
Glad things are starting to get better mate :)

Hopefully going to make it to the comp, its going to be awesome!!!:D
Some squat doubles tonight and we will find out how things are going in the leg department. Then after that we are going out for food and I'm going to eat my own body weight in rice :cool:.
Last night went ok.


Not bad but not heavy enough for my liking. I didn't push it at all so I could have done a little more.

Long Paused Bench
110kgx2 Came out of nowhere and was very easy :)
115kgx1+f Took a bad line on the second rep so missed it

Absolutely knackered at this point since I was running on about 4 hours sleep and I'd been coaching since 7am, so sacked off the rest since I'm doing openers on monday and I just wanted to go and eat :cool:.
All kinds of milkshake gains!

Long paused bench looks tasty there :)

I think we've talked about this before briefly, but can't find the post. What's a good plan of attack for comp day nutrition?
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