Dom's Training Log

Ha ha, sweet :).

I'm reluctant to push these for the moment because my front rack still feels a little weak. I'll see what happens after another week or two at that sort of intensity.

Could you explain the hip comment for me? :)
The power for the jerk should come from your hips, in a similar motion to the clean.

From an 'advanced theory' perspective as I understand it, the hips provide the upward momentum, and the arms are there effectively to push the lifter down under the bar. Practically, the arms continue the upward momentum of the bar through Newton's third law (every action has an equal and opposite reaction), but hey.

It's the same principle for the clean shrug: an elite lifter will use the shrug to get under the bar, rather than as a deliberate movement to increase the height of the bar. I, however am not an elite lifter. :).

This is why I'm currently drilling the push jerk as it forces hip drive rather than allowing the lifter t jump under the bar as in the split jerk and get away with it. It's also why I loathe the push jerk. :)
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OK that makes sense, it seems to fit with the feeling I had while doing them. I could tell that something was missing from the lower body but I couldn't work what exactly.

Sorry to keep bothering you, but could you explain or provide information (whichever you feel best about) regarding the push jerk?
It's literally a pain. :)

Erm... Morba's asked for something similar, so I will chuck something together in the 'How to clean' thread so nobody will read it. :D
Very short session today, I'll catch up with a few bits tomorrow but I'm not overly concerned because I have a mock meet next week.


180kgx3 PB Boom bitches! Very very happy with that but I felt I had a little more
185kgx2 Also technically a PB. Ambitious but I fell like I might have had a chance if I hadn't done the 180 :)

Long Paused Bench

Didn't have time for anything else, LOL. Very very pleased with the squats, that's a 10kg PB since January :D. On the 185kg Scott grabs it because I shift forward a little but he assures me that he didn't actually help :), I'm still going to count it as 185kgx2 :). Like I said I think that if I had been more confident of my strength and had got straight for 185kg then I would possible have got it, the 180kg definitely isn't a max but it is quite close to it.


some x some with some stuff

Pretty much

Finished of my benching today, another 100kgx3 and then a handful of dropsets at 95kgx3.

Did some snatch high pull for a **** ton of reps and then the same for some hang snatches. Things are beginning to move a little better but I was bloody knackered so receiving became an issue with many reps lost :/.

Then went on to learning how to clean again and it went much more successfully than the last attempt, still sticking with hang snatches for now. Did a ton of volume on 40kg then moved up to 50kg for several sets of 5. Mixed it a few front squats on the receive and added in some jerking as well towards the end of the 50kg sets. After that moved onto some 60kg hang clean and jerk with front squat which was nice. Things feel pretty good but still not quite there.

Also had some lol fun with some 120kg clean pulls. It was eventful :p.

There are some videos which I will sort out but of course my phone records broken videos as per usual :mad:.

Mock meet

190kgx1 PB :)
195kgx0 :( Ass to grass rep, like, 3-4 inches below parallel. Fear may have gotten the better of me :p.

- Weird pec/neck thing is playing up so no benching :mad:. It's frustrating because everything before the 100kg felt awesome, it was like I was benching nothing :(.

200kgx1 Still slow :(
210kgx1 slow
225kgx0 :( goddamnit!

Oh well new squat pb. I think I would have got it if it wasn't for the depth. Bench is annoying but I have physio on Thursday so hopefully I can get it sorted then. Deadlift still needs some work but hey-ho.

Vid to come tomorrow along with those from saturday :).
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