Donald Trump

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I'm feeling nothing thanks.

I don't watch them because I don't have a sexual fetish for Trump like most do here ;)

So you have no opinion, that’s very strange, normally you can’t wait to comment ;)

I find it unbelievable that’s you’ve not seen any coverage on Trumps “foot in mouth” ramblings, the fact that he’s basically made himself a laughing stock and that his rebuttal that is was sarcasm is just a complete bare faced lie.

Normally so vocal now stuck dumb like Trump last night with no Q/A after the briefing, what a joke.
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So you have no opinion, that’s very strange, normally you can’t wait to comment ;)

I find it unbelievable that’s you’ve not seen any coverage on Trumps “foot in mouth” ramblings, the fact that he’s basically made himself a laughing stock and that his rebuttal that is was sarcasm is just a complete bare faced lie.

Now hes going to have to watch it:D

Now hes going to have to watch it:D

He knows he’s just being a Trump, nobody with even a passing interest in COVID/Trump etc. knows what was said.

It’s just a bit pathetic that he just doesn’t run to form, maybe it was “sarcasm” :) Even avid Trump supporters have had to admit defeat as they just can’t think of any way to defend such garbage, even Trump himself has resorted to a defence more unbelievable than the original gaff.

At this moment in time Trump could look more ridiculous if he painted himself orange, has a crazy comb over, tiny hands and basically spouted snake oil levels of BS to a Doctor and then tried to pass it off as sarcasm, OH WAIT! :):):) Even now if Trump came out and said "you know what it was just a mistake" I'd have more respect for the man.

I don't have a sexual fetish for Trump

Strange as you normally seem to get very aroused when anybody speaks out against Trump! ;) (maybe you're holding a bit of a shine for him, you're the only person that can think about putting any kind of sexual connotation on it, do you have any posters of him in your house?)
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It's going to be a tight race.

You say in your opinion he is a "pleb" well he runs a country and is rich.
What does that make you?

I just try to lead a decent life. Be a good partner to my missus and a good father to my daughter. Work a steady job and keep a good circle of friends. Makes me content.
Heh, the TDF are floundering hard today.

To their credit some haven’t tried to defend it, Trumps credibility is in tatters, the more he tries to run/deflect the worse it’s going to get. Previously, probably due to the torturous way he speaks, he’s always been able to weasel his way out, not this time Mr Trump.
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It's going to be a tight race.

You say in your opinion he is a "pleb" well he runs a country and is rich.
What does that make you?
That rich he has to hide is tax returns so people cannot see how fake a lot of that richness is while hiding his dept to china. So rich he has to still work at 73+ when he should be enjoying retirement but cannot because he cannot afford to retire or pay all the people he owes money to.

What’s more funny is you haven’t watched the train wrack of the past weeks and still think he doing a good job. After the past 2+ weeks anyone who truly wants the best for the US will want to get rid of him. It doesn't matter if you are left or right there has to be a better option then Trump who has done such massive harm to the US he has turned out worse then even Hilary could have done on her worst day. The current situation wouldn’t be anywhere near as bad if Trump was even half competent. The Republican's desperately need to fine a strong good leader to replace Trump to undo the harm Trump has done. Trump has knocked the US decades backwards.
I'm feeling nothing thanks.

I don't watch them because I don't have a sexual fetish for Trump like most do here ;)

Wat. You've pretty much got your name written on the soles of your shoes, you're not fooling anyone. If you think people would honestly believe that then you should run for president :D
TDS is strong in this forums. And nobody could call Tim Pool a Trump supporter or anything further than center left......

Politico said:
Tim Pool, an independent journalist who describes himself as a pro-Bernie Sanders social liberal but whose views on issues including social media bias and immigration often align with conservatives'.

I watched a bit of his drivel, and unfortunately, Tim, some people are idiots and they do what people in oversized suits on TV tell them. But then what would you know, middle school dropout?
Thanks for the update, how long's it been since they were requested? Years right?

Plus he's the only serving president that hasn't supplied them I think, at least in recent history.

The ones he did supply were about 10 years out of date iirc.
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