Donald Trump

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Haha "was just informed" were you Donny?? More like the WH and GOP have been pulling their hair out for the last 48 hours wondering why the hell you can't keep your mouth shut and just stick to a script instead of making yourself look like an international fool and them having to come up with some lame lies to excuse it as you can never ever admit you were wrong.

There are leaders around the world thanking their lucky stars you are POTUS. No matter what mistakes they've made, you come along and smash mistakes out of the park, mistakes they couldn't make in their worst nightmares. Talk about taking the pressure off them.

With this story of Trump owing the state bank fo China 100s of millions of $ Congress is going to have an even stronger case to see his Tax Returns when it hits the SC soon.


Another smear and retract story

Politico now reports:

After the first version of this article was published, the Bank of China issued a statement Friday evening stating that it sold its debt on the building weeks after the 2012 loan on the property. Vornado Realty Trust owns 70 percent of the building.

“On November 7, 2012 several financial institutions including the Bank of China participated in a commercial mortgage loan of $950 million to Vornado Realty Trust,” said Peter Reisman, managing director and chief communications officer of Bank of China U.S.A. “Within 22 days, the loan was securitized and sold into the [commercial mortgage-backed securities] market, as is a common practice in the industry. Bank of China has not had any ownership interest in that loan since late November 2012.”

Another smear and retract story

Politico now reports:

They haven't retracted it at all. They have updated it with the comment from Bank of China. I notice you only quoted those 2 paragraphs, not the 3 after.

Congress will soon have his tax returns and then it will leak out. I mean you aren't just going to take the Chinese Gov word for it are you?

“On November 7, 2012 several financial institutions including the Bank of China participated in a commercial mortgage loan of $950 million to Vornado Realty Trust,” said Peter Reisman, managing director and chief communications officer of Bank of China U.S.A. “Within 22 days, the loan was securitized and sold into the [commercial mortgage-backed securities] market, as is a common practice in the industry. Bank of China has not had any ownership interest in that loan since late November 2012.”

Another public document, however, lists Bank of China as a creditor on 1290 Avenue of the Americas even after the bank said it was no longer involved in the property. Filed in 2017 with the New York City Department of Finance Office of the Register, it lists the Bank of China as a secured party having a financial interest in the building’s fixtures.

The Bank of China could not explain why its name was listed on the 2017 document, describing it as “technical error.” Trepp, a database of securitized mortgages, also listed the Bank of China along with the three other banks, in a description on their site about the financing of the building. The site noted the Bank of China might securitize their portion of the loan, although there were no additional comments.

The bank pointed to another document filed in 2012 in New York City that showed the mortgage on the property had been assigned to a new financial institution as a trustee for the debt, listing Bank of China as an “assignor/old lender.” But it declined to share additional documentation on the loan.

Vornado Realty Trust, the primary investor in the building, did not reply to a request for comment, and the White House and Trump Organization declined to comment for this story.
I imagine it went down something like this

Advisers - "you can't say something like that"
Trump - "But I'm the mother ******* president I can say whatever I want"
Advisers - "Yes but those mean reporters will start saying more mean things about you"
Trump - "Can't we drone strike them or have them Epstein'd ?"
Advisers - "No sir"
Trump - "Buuuuuuuuuu I'm the president"
Advisers "But there are things you cannot do"
Trump - "Fine can I not do any more pressers ?"
Sorry couldn't resist


^ I'm not a fan of pictures that mock him but IMO he looks a lot better in the picture on the right. Certainly more presidential.

Part of being a man is accepting who and what you are, and living with it. Not hiding behind fake tan, makeup and lies.
So Bleachgate is the end of the Trump press briefings :( Let's all be honest now, every single one of us knew it would end like this, Trump would say something so ridiculously stupid that they'd have to shut it down as his polling was getting worse and worse. In a way I'll miss them as they have been a distraction in these crazy times. I'm sure he'll be back soon though, You can't keep crazy quiet forever.

^ I'm not a fan of pictures that mock him but IMO he looks a lot better in the picture on the right. Certainly more presidential.

Part of being a man is accepting who and what you are, and living with it. Not hiding behind fake tan, makeup and lies.

I'm the same. He looks far better in the photo on the right. He is in his 70s, embrace it. Combovers look ridiculous at any age and the orange makeup just makes it easier to ridicule him. If he stepped out looking like the pic on the right I'd have a tiny bit of respect for him.
I'm the same. He looks far better in the photo on the right. He is in his 70s, embrace it. Combovers look ridiculous at any age and the orange makeup just makes it easier to ridicule him. If he stepped out looking like the pic on the right I'd have a tiny bit of respect for him.

Damn right. He's running from everyone, including himself.
So Bleachgate is the end of the Trump press briefings :( Let's all be honest now, every single one of us knew it would end like this, Trump would say something so ridiculously stupid that they'd have to shut it down as his polling was getting worse and worse. In a way I'll miss them as they have been a distraction in these crazy times. I'm sure he'll be back soon though, You can't keep crazy quiet forever.


Good capture (you need to close-off the tags for the image to show).

"Donald, duck!"

Even now it’s about the ratings, it’s not about the deaths or the lies or the sarcasm, it’s all about the ratings.

I’m sure his staffers are talking about damage limitation but it just too late for that, there is no limit to the damage Trump is inflicting on himself and it’s fantastic :)

He continues to lie and spin, saying he was speaking to somebody else, not the Doctor or the journalists, lies work so much better when you stick to just one explanation Mr President.

Trump is an embodiment of everything that is wrong with our system, he’s comes from privilege and has basically slimed his way to the top.

Seems deuse is following the same tactic as Trump, to hide.
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From Siena College Reaearch Institute's 2019 survey of 157 presidential scholars, and Trump was ranking pretty much at the bottom then (apart from 'Luck' and 'Willing to take risks' :rolleyes: ). He wasn't quite ranking bottom on 'Avoid Crucial Mistakes' back then, but I'm pretty sure he would be now. I suspect his 'luck' rating will drop too :D
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