Donald Trump

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When are you getting treatment? TDS doesnt mean what you think it means anymore according to the Urban Dictionary ;)

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.

"Did you hear what Billy said the other day? He was saying how the US is being overrun by murderers and rapists from Mexico?!?"

"Yeah I know.. he has a serious case of TDS.."

"What's that?"

"Trump Derangement Syndrome"

"Is it treatable?"

"I can't see any reason why it wouldn’t be."

"Wait, I meant to say ‘I can't see any reason why it would be.’ Logical reasoning is kryptonite to Trump Flakes."


An affliction that profoundly affects Trumpsters causing them to abandon rationality and denounce criticism of Conald Grump as 'fake news'. The affliction causes irreparable damage to the brain of sufferers, thus they are unable to function properly. The cause of the illness is said to emanate from an obsession and deification of an orange criminal fraudster and serial sexual assaulter.

Other symptoms include:

-Bringing up Bill Clinton when orange goblin is criticised.

-Bringing up Hillary Clinton when orange goblin is criticised.

-Bringing up Barack Obama when orange goblin is criticised.

-Labelling critics '********' and a bunch of other go-to buzzwords from idiotic bingo.

There is no known cure. Once the sufferer displays symptoms, the subsequent mental deterioration inevitably sets in, therefore attempting to intervene is futile because it's too late and the damage is already done.
Almost in stitches - you spend 99% crying and whinging about TDS for you to post this in the the Chinese coronavirus thread...
Don't worry, the ongoing WW3 as reported by the tin foil hat brigade (AKA, Trump haters) will get you... If not Brexit will. :)
******* priceless. Yet more projection.
Almost in stitches - you spend 99% crying and whinging about TDS for you to post this in the the Chinese coronavirus thread...

******* priceless. Yet more projection.

It's called 'taking the Michael' as many of you have been pooing yourselves recently thinking Trump had started WW3. That's on you not me. Having a sense of humour would have helped.
C'mon @doodah,

you need a a bro-hug, show more love and less hate.

But did you watch it and find it funny?

The so fake solemn events the Dems stage showed when they signed the so called articles of impeachment are hilarious.

It was so fake.

I'd post some other vids but the TDS crowd will just cry about it.

The one where Kamal Harris is laughing her head thinking she was off camera and then gets the 'Your on' and does a fast switch from laughing to the 'Fake solemn face' was outstanding.
No I didn’t find it funny it only made me feel sad and sorry for you. Along with reconfirming how deeply a member you are in the TDS crowd/squad. You cannot even answer simple questions about Biden or Trump resorting to deflection videos and deflection 1 liners instead of engaging in intelligent debate.

Yes some of it was fake because that’s what tradition and ritual is. You over emphasize in a fake way which isn’t natural but gets the meaning across clearly. Tradition and ritual is steeped in fake over exaggerated movements. It wouldn’t surprise me if you are one of the people laughing at the multiple pens being used to sigh the document. Which only makes me feel more sorry for you as you have no idea why or what’s going off.

Doodah has it right you sound like you have gone full on Trump Derp.

Wiki is not an official source you might just get away with it at primary education level. But we are not primary school kids. Urban Dictionary is not just some website. It’s a well known source that is fact checked and known to be pretty accurate. Unlike wiki that is inaccurate, often wrong and cannot be used as a valid source at any decent education level. Even GCSE level doesn't accept wiki and for good reason. Just because some Trump fan incorrectly edits a wiki page on Trump it doesn’t make it correct. But then again you have a history of ignoring evidence, facts and truth. You cannot even at any decent level answer any of the questions I put forward to you.

Urban Dictionary is correct and you posting history triggers all of the examples given.
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Wiki is not an official source you might just get away with it at primary education level. But we are not primary school kids. Urban Dictionary is not just some website. It’s a well known source that is fact checked and known to be pretty accurate. Unlike wiki that is inaccurate

Urban dictionary is "fact checked" WTF???

I think you're getting a bit muddled, wiki is not used as a source because it isn't a primary source - it is an online encyclopaedia! Most of the articles will be written with reference to primary sources. While not perfect it is self correcting and works quite well if you want a quick reference or indeed some further links to explore.

Urban dictionary contains multiple (often conflicting - this is certainly the case for this phrase) comments submitted by users - note Greebo doesn't provide a link to the page and has cherry picked the ones that suit: Derangement Syndrome

The other poster is correct TDS is a term used to describe some of the more hysterical opponents of Trump.
You need help. You view the world almost entirely as loving Trump or hating Trump - that's not normal.
+1 for that. The way Plasmahal acts is such a long way for normal it makes me think something is wrong. I really do worry for them as its a sad way to live being such a long way from healthy.
He is a pantomime villain in real life I suspect. Must be suffering now Christmas has been and gone, must do something to keep his skills sharp ready for next Christmas. But the true answer is he is now really letting himself go, since the discussion has moved from the SC thread to here.
Urban dictionary is "fact checked" WTF???

I think you're getting a bit muddled, wiki is not used as a source because it isn't a primary source - it is an online encyclopaedia! Most of the articles will be written with reference to primary sources. While not perfect it is self correcting and works quite well if you want a quick reference or indeed some further links to explore.

Urban dictionary contains multiple (often conflicting - this is certainly the case for this phrase) comments submitted by users - note Greebo doesn't provide a link to the page and has cherry picked the ones that suit: Derangement Syndrome

The other poster is correct TDS is a term used to describe some of the more hysterical opponents of Trump.
I thought they had staff who check the submissions and on the whole that site for that type of content is more accurate then wiki. Fact checked as in the public do not directly edit content which is checked by staff before edits are made. Or have I got how they operate wrong?

Urban dictionary often has conflicting content because urban slang changes over time and changes based on location. TDS is a classic example in one group at one time it was used against anti Trump people, likewise it is also used to describe delusional Trump fans like Plasmahal. TDS is not just for anti Trump people at its core its about delusional emotional responses rather than based in fact or logic often with paranoia which Plasmahal ticks every single box. EDIT: As seen by the way Plasmahal responds to my posts unable to answer simple questions based on facts and logic. Also with how they keep bringing up Biden and others via there paranoia.

The way I see it TDS refers to the hysterical haters of Trump and the hysterical supporters of Trump. Both being just as bad as each other as they only think in delusional emotional responses without any care for logic, facts, evidence.
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