Donald Trump

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The house did take procedural steps to get it and Trump illegally refused. The house then tried to subpoena the evidence and Trump illegally refused again.

That is simply not true. The president has constitutional powers of executive privilege (all US presidents before Trump have also used this right). He can rightfully refuse their request and in this case it was based on national security concerns (the Dems do like leaking stuff).

The process if for the House to then take the president to court (this is part of the separation of powers).

The house did not bother to do this, so this issue is now null and void.

Therefore there is no obstruction as the president just exercised his constitutional rights and the House failed to take any further action.

The founding fathers fore-saw these kinds of partisan hack jobs and put processes in place, they have worked.
“That is simply not true. The president has constitutional powers of executive privilege (all US presidents before Trump have also used this right). He can rightfully refuse their request and in this case it was based on national security concerns (the Dems do like leaking stuff).”
That is extremely poor deflection as there is no national security concern to hide the transcript and it has nothing to do with the dems. Trump is not rightly refusing the request, he is illegally refusing a legal order. Its an order not a request. Trump doesn’t have pure president constitutional powers of executive privilege to refuse all subpoenas. He can resist some oversite and resist some subpoenas but not when it involves corruption and criminal activity by himself.

I would also point out I never sew Trump use executive privilege to refuse the subpoenas so your entire argument it moot. Trump never activated executive privilege, I looked at his activated executive privileges and could not find any for this subpoena. All Trump did was illegally refuse a legal order to cover up him illegal activity.

Given that people deeply involved in Trumps crime have come forward saying it’s all true this week, with evidence, don’t you think its about time you admitted the truth and talk about reasonable punishment for what Trump did?

Or are you still refusing to acknowledge the illegal activity Trump did despite the evidence and despite the first hand witness who are deeply involved? What about Ukraine are you going to ignore them to? What about Trumps illegal surveillance and illegal pressure invoking Ukraine are you just going to ignore that? Thats far worse then anything Biden ever did.

“The process if for the House to then take the president to court (this is part of the separation of powers).”
What do you think the court subpoena was all about? Trump was correctly subpoenaed and he refused to co-operate. The subpoena was based on reasonable action from a first hand witness whistle-blower reporting illegal activity. That had to be investigated and has nothing to do with the left or dems. It is correct procedure and there was no national security concern for Trump to hide the transcript.

You are getting confused. Trump illegally hid the transcript on the server for storing national security files. The transcript itself was not national security and shouldn’t have been on that server. The only reason Trump moved the files there was to his illegal activities.

“Yes he did. It also shows my position that i think it's not just Trump that's a corrupt politician.”
He is not the only one but at the moment he is by a massive long shot the worst of them all. Which is the problem you refuse to acknowledge the individually acts Trump does which are worse than the other politicians. You refuse to call Trump out when ever he does something wrong and instead defend him no matter what and no matter what evidence. That’s pure hypocrisy by you.

What about the rest of my post? I guess my questions really was to hard for you as yet again you failed to answer it. Are you going to answer any of my Biden questions? Or are you just full of hypocrisy?

The US swamp needs cleaning up and the biggest swamp monster of them all is Trump. The clean-up needs to start from the top down. Don’t you agree the corrupt swamp monsters need to be removed? Both from the left and right and the ones like Trump that are neither. Trump is not a real republication or rightest and anyone who follows him is anti real America.
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Lol :D

Imagine being despised by a majority of the world and being constantly made fun of for every little thing you say or do :p
Nothing, just making crystal clear that I did not make the statements you tried to make out that I did. end of.

so why did you get involved in the first place and answered a question I asked somebody else when I quoted them and then later on try and belittle me that I don’t even know what the articles of impeachment are?
That is simply not true. The president has constitutional powers of executive privilege (all US presidents before Trump have also used this right). He can rightfully refuse their request and in this case it was based on national security concerns (the Dems do like leaking stuff).

The process if for the House to then take the president to court (this is part of the separation of powers).

The house did not bother to do this, so this issue is now null and void.

Therefore there is no obstruction as the president just exercised his constitutional rights and the House failed to take any further action.

The founding fathers fore-saw these kinds of partisan hack jobs and put processes in place, they have worked.

So, the president used his executive power to refuse a subpoena for the transcript of a phone call which he has continually claimed on, multiple occasions that people should read as it completely exonerates him from any wrong doing, and which he still professes to be 'perfect'?!?

Do you not see how completely backwards and ludicrous that logic is?

If it's such a perfect and exonerating transcript then why fight so hard and go to such lengths to hide it and refuse its release? And no, nation security isn't a valid reason in this case.

Please explain it to me, I'm happy to learn if I'm mistaken.
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So, the president used his executive power to refuse a subpoena for the transcript of a phone call which he has continually claimed on, multiple occasions that people should read as it completely exonerates him from any wrong doing, and which he still professes to be 'perfect'?!?

Do you not see how completely backwards and ludicrous that logic is?

If it's such a perfect and exonerating transcript then why fight so hard and go to such lengths to hide it and refuse its release? And no, nation security isn't a valid reason in this case.

Please explain it to me, I'm happy to learn if I'm mistaken.
Yes and don't give us that 'issues of national security' ********, I wouldn't trust Trump to put the bins out.
Interesting watch from people who know a lot more than us about US matters.
  • I am still waiting for you to answer my questions on Biden.
  • I am still waiting for you to explain how I am left
  • I am still waiting for you to acknowledge the illegal activity Trump did beyond other politicians. You still haven’t acknowledge the crimes involving Ukraine .
  • You still haven’t acknowledge what I said about the transcript. Why do you keep lying about it?
  • What about my question on the swamp monsters need removing?
  • Are the Biden questions to hard for you?
  • Are you going to admit to any of you many mistakes and incorrect statements like executive privilege which didn't apply to this case?
Trump featured in a dream I had last night. He happened to be at the same outdoor New Year party as me, and saw me struggle to roll a cigarette (???) because my rolling papers kept blowing away. Some time later he wandered over and handed me one he'd rolled up for me. It wasn't a very good one ("like a camel with no legs") but he meant well and it smoked ok.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that.
Interesting watch from people who know a lot more than us about US matters.

That's not interesting first its a big advert for both of them to sell books and 2nd its outdated predating the Lev evidence which invalidates a lot of what the person defending Trump says. Now its your turn, are you going to answer my questions? What about the Lev bomb shell about Trump are you just going to keep ignoring that?
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For the LOLZ.
I think I have figured you out. You are attempting to ruin your own reputation and your goal is to make yourself look at bad as possible by proving all the bad things being said about you are correct. You cannot even answer a simple question about Biden or defend any of your lies.
I think I have figured you out. You are attempting to ruin your own reputation and your goal is to make yourself look at bad as possible by proving all the bad things being said about you are correct. You cannot even answer a simple question about Biden or defend any of your lies.

But did you watch it and find it funny?

The so fake solemn events the Dems stage showed when they signed the so called articles of impeachment are hilarious.

It was so fake.

I'd post some other vids but the TDS crowd will just cry about it.

The one where Kamal Harris is laughing her head thinking she was off camera and then gets the 'Your on' and does a fast switch from laughing to the 'Fake solemn face' was outstanding.
But did you watch it and find it funny?

The so fake solemn events the Dems stage showed when they signed the so called articles of impeachment are hilarious.

It was so fake.

I'd post some other vids but the TDS crowd will just cry about it.

The one where Kamal Harris is laughing her head thinking she was off camera and then gets the 'Your on' and does a fast switch from laughing to the 'Fake solemn face' was outstanding.

Errrm, Ok...

I've had a giggle waiting outside crematoriums before, and then been upset during the ceremony....this is how humans operate.
I see a middle aged man with the critical thinking of a GCSE student attempting to form some sort of argument in the post above. I think plasmahal has gone full Trump derp by the looks of it. No wonder he doesn't post in the SC thread, the last post shouldn't even make it into a 1" column in the National Enquirer.

Edit - two posts above.
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