Can you at least attempt to form coherent sentences, what are you even trying to say with "Protect against anyone not Federal government.", is that meant to be it protects against anyone not just the Federal government. Is it meant to say Protect against anyone, but not the Federal government. Or is it meant to be Protect against anyone, not the Federal government.Protect against anyone not Federal government.
The moment Twitter edits and tries to fact checks an opinion has 2 paths to follow
a) Goes back
b) Waves protection under 230 1996 CDA becoming a publisher and liable for punishment.
As for you Werewolf, by not reading the rest of my post, you go straight to the example of the people on my last sentence.
Whatever you're trying to say there I'm fairly sure it's wrong as the 1st says the following...
In case it's still not clear it specifically say congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, it makes no mention of private companies, people, or even the individual states themselves and that's because the constitution isn't a document that seeks to directly protect an individuals rights, it was a piece of law enacted to protect the individual states from the then newly formed federal government.Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
It was, for want of a better word, a contract between the states and the federal government intended to set well defined limits on what powers the federal government had in order to prevent exactly what Trump is trying to do, to prevent a POTUS or federal government acting like George III, like a monarch, like a dictator.
Also what are you trying to say with "The moment Twitter edits and tries to fact checks an opinion has 2 paths to follow"? Who has two options, Twitter? Trump? The legal system? Who? Is it safe to say you intended to say the moment Twitter edits a tweet and adds a link to fact checks it there are 2 opinions?
I have to be honest your post are very difficult to follow as not only do your sentences not make much sense but they're full of spurious claims and very disjointed, is English not your fist language?