Donald Trump

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The whistle blower submitted a formal complaint. The complaint matched the transcript of the phone call almost exactly.

But the transcript of the call didn't implicate Trump in asking for a political favour in return for aid, merely in the investigation of a currupt individual (who just happens to be the son of the Democratic front runner...).

Essentially after Russiagate flopped hard, they had to come up with a plan B, and this is it, an absolute waste of time.
Quite a lot to read through, nothing really relevant so far though. I will read further. Thanks for the links.
How about when Trump was extremely corrupt and found guilty at the supreme court of ongoing over a long period of time stealing vast sums of charity money and spending it on himself and his own businesses? That's not just typical American suing culture that was major and ongoing corruption by Trump involving charity money of all things. Combine that with his immoral behaviour like cheating on his wife and paying people off so they wont speak its clear there is more then just "Everyone just mouthing 'he's evil, buffoon, blah blah' no real explanation with facts, just want to be on the bandwangon."

Stealing vast sums of charity money is evil and his other acts are clearly immoral and wrong.
Nothing is going to happen.
And what a waste of tax payers money.

So... just like Clinton's impeachment?

But the transcript of the call didn't implicate Trump in asking for a political favour in return for aid


merely in the investigation of a currupt individual (who just happens to be the son of the Democratic front runner...).

That is literally a political favour. Also, there is no evidence of corruption by Hunter Biden.
This is just political theatre. Nothing will happen. He'll get re-elected for another term. Waste of time & money.
But the transcript of the call didn't implicate Trump in asking for a political favour in return for aid, merely in the investigation of a currupt individual (who just happens to be the son of the Democratic front runner...).

Essentially after Russiagate flopped hard, they had to come up with a plan B, and this is it, an absolute waste of time.
You mean the edited transcript by Trump with all the bad bits edited out? Why do you think Trump is hiding the full transcript? If it clears him why wont he reveal the full transcript?
But the transcript of the call didn't implicate Trump in asking for a political favour in return for aid

Yes it did, especially when looked at in tandem with the testimony from all the witnesses.

NO explanation has been given for the withheld aid, and the aid was released as soon as the whistle-blower report became public.

Do you just expect everything to be neatly wrapped up in a bow for you? Do you think criminals announce, word for word, the crimes they are committing? What evidence are you expecting? A 12 point printed plan of the scheme signed by Trump?
Yup, hes locked in till '24 now and the Democrats have no-one to blame but themselves.
I don't think it's... concrete

There is no hard evidence. They have elected to start a trial with no viable evidence. The trails outcome is a foregone conclusion because of this.

Therefore this is a waste of time.
The trails outcome is a foregone conclusion because of this.
It's a foregone conclusion because the Republicans in the senate won't remove their own President from office, that's all. He could literally address the nation admitting to it all and they wouldn't remove him from office.
Mountain of evidence. Overwhelming evidence. Abundance of evidence. All headlines. All lies according to concrete.
This is just political theatre. Nothing will happen. He'll get re-elected for another term. Waste of time & money.

The Democrats have to keep feeding the loony left anti-Trump conspiracy theories so that they will carry on "resisting", their policy platform is so toxic that all they can do to keep from losing votes is to constantly attack the other side with lies.

It's quite reminiscent of over here with the loony left calling Boris Johnson a Dictator when effectively a now voted out cabal of remainer MP's acting against the will of the people were holding him and the country hostage by refusing to hold an election. They behave undemocratically and then accuse the other side of doing it to keep the frothing sheep onside thinking that they're on the side of good and righteousness.
The Democrats have to keep feeding the loony left anti-Trump conspiracy theories so that they will carry on "resisting", their policy platform is so toxic that all they can do to keep from losing votes is to constantly attack the other side with lies.

What reality do you live in?

Not by any metric is Trump popular, or does he command the majority support in the USA.

He lost the popular vote in 2016. He lost the house in the midterms and the Democrats won the popular vote convincingly then too. His approval rating through his entire term so far has averaged around the 40% mark.

If the Democrats are "losing votes", why did they flip the house and win the popular vote in 2018 53 percent to 45 percent?
It's funny how Republicans kept saying Obama was guilty of numerous crimes but in 8 years they never found enough evidence to impeach him...
I thought it would have happened a lot sooner than this, or not at all, so i was surprised to see this article on my news feed!

Zzzz... This has been coming for 20 years. THe Democrats tried to impeach Bush. The Republicans tried to impeach obama. Now the Democrats are actually impeaching Trump. Truth, crime, whatever has nothing to do with it: it's all about being the wrong party. The true loser is, of course, Biden. The allegedly dodgy dealings of him and his son are going to be put on full display.
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