Donald Trump

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23 Apr 2014
Yes and many people are employed in jobs that pay sod all and can barely afford to live. Trump has done a grand total of nothing to help the little guy. Though his petty trade wars did help the farmers to go bankrupt at record levels.
5 Feb 2006
Corruption goes deep in the clintons.....

Federal Election Commission filings show the disgraced movie mogul bundled $1.4 million for Clinton during her presidential bid in 2016 and handed her another $73,390 dating back to her 1999 New York Senate seat run.

If she does jump back on the presidential wagon, then this looks bad once again.
30 Jul 2013
Corruption goes deep in the clintons.....

If she does jump back on the presidential wagon, then this looks bad once again.

Back to Clinton again?!

I assume you are talking about Weinstein? Because your quote doesn't mention it.

That's like saying it looks bad that Tarantino made Pulp Fiction financed by Miramax


The Oscars look bad for giving the Miramax movies loads of awards.

The reports in to his conduct (and the whole #MeToo movement) didn't start until 2017.
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18 Oct 2002
Back to Clinton again?!

I assume you are talking about Weinstein? Because your quote doesn't mention it.

That's like saying it looks bad that Tarantino made Pulp Fiction financed by Miramax


The Oscars look bad for giving the Miramax movies loads of awards.

The reports in to his conduct (and the whole #MeToo movement) didn't start until 2017.
I wondered how defenders on here would circumvent Trump's laughable response to the coronavirus, of course it would be Hillary.
26 Dec 2009
2 Jul 2003
Booming US economy.
Yep, slight drop in the curve from the Obama era but despite his blundering they're doing ok. But if it was truly that sweet then their national debt growth should start to slow or even reduce?

Tax reductions.
Have these not just come in for the wealthy - middle class have seen nothing? Also decreased revenues have seen the deficit double in size compared to 2015.

Got rid of excessively Fascist regulations strangulating the US free market/economy.
Lol, fascist. It was lack of regulation that led to insane lending and the 2008 crash...

Brought jobs back to the US rather than making it easier for corporations to export them to China.
Record employment as a result.
Got more funding for NATO.
He's getting close to pulling that alliance apart. I'm honestly not sure if a nato member was attacked the US would honour it...

Stopped funding international terrorism by giving Iran bribe money.
It was their money... and it was working. What is stopping them restarting their nuclear weapons program now? Instead brought us to the brink of war through his blundering.

Worked towards peace on the Korean peninsula.
Getting played like a fiddle. Some legacy.

Partially built the wall he promised even though the no border death to America Democrats have done everything to stop him.
Who's going to pay for it? Wasn't that the mantra?

He's a massive raging racist but only since he ran for president and the Indian people seem to love him (I guess they've not been subject to the same level of left wing propaganda).
Do they? What business links does the Trump group have in India?

Supportive of Brexit and an independent UK.
Independent UK that will still have to adhere to EU rules in order to trade with them. US will have it's pound of flesh. America first remember. Enjoy your cheap, now disease free (thanks to chlorine they have to wash it with) chicken!
He hates the EU as it's able to negotiate with the US on an equal footing.
Correlation between Brit Trump supporters and Brexit voters continues...

Trying to stop our PM getting into bed with an increasingly totalitarian police state (China).

Can we have a list of what Obama did over 8 years for the people who elected him?
Kick started the American economy after one of the worst crashes ever seen.
Attempted to bring in healthcare for all despite being hamstrung by Republicans in the senate.
Helps that he's also an eloquent, decent human being.

Trump's a dodgy condo salesman from New York who inherited his money and made a name for himself on crap reality tv shows. He's utterly out of his depth, lies through his teeth about everything and is completely unqualified to hold his position.
He'll say or do anything to curry favour with his base support and flip flop on any issue when he thinks they won't like it. He has no convictions outside making money. He'll cheat and lie to any and everyone (including numerous wives) if it gets him ahead.
Just look at the turnover in senior positions, his war on the press and total inability to bridge the gap between the left and right in the US. He uses that gap, entrenches positions and uses it to ensure blind loyalty from his cult like following.

If anyone thinks the above are good qualities in the President of ALL of the US then that says a fair bit about them.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Seriously. Don't be a lazy sod :)
If you are that interested in this. Then you will find the info.
I'm sure if it's so easy it should be simple for you to back up the claim?

He's a disaster that's just about being held in check by what's left of the rule of law and inertia.

He's dismantled and dismissed so much of the government that is there specifically to deal with problems that if anything goes wrong there aren't the people in place who have the knowledge and expereince to deal with, and whose jobs were to monitor and prepare for things.

He dismantled the CDC team that Obama put in place after SARS and the Ebola outbreaks specifically to make sure the White House had co-ordination with the likes of the WHO for that sort of thing, something that is very cheap to do in advance (a handful of dedicated staff) but expensive to catch up on, and impossible to get back the time that is lost in catching up, time that is absolutely vital.
It was akin to sacking the guys who would monitor missile launches and instead have someone on call to drive over to the silo's to enter the launch codes once coastal radar picks them up in terms of how badly it affects the ability to deal with something that is time sensitive.
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