Doom Eternal

It's an excellent game. Super fun and challenging.

And they put the platforming stuff in there to break it up. Imagine if it was just wall to wall action.

Would be too much.
ctd with no error in first 25 mins of play..nice. just had another.

refund time i'll pick it back up when its a fiver. that's so disappointing.
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Dunno how you can love 2016 Doom and not like this. I think its great. Some of the fights are mental.

For some reason I much prefer 2016, still one of my “goto” games when I have time for a blast, I just don’t feel the same about Eternal.
Played some more, I'm some way into level 3 on Hurt Me Plenty. Still on a bloody controller, a travesty but I really like sitting farther from the screen and haven't used kb&m for ages as I don't really play shooters:p

Really having fun so far, I get the complaints how it has changed the formula (it undoubtedly has) and it's not really (that much of) a mindless shooter anymore. It does rely on weak points too much on certain enemies as well, which can be annoying when it requires so much speed and managing.

Still, it's probably the most fun shooter experience I've had in YEARS so far. The combat flows great and I really dig the mechanics of it all, it feels wonderfully arcade and satisfying to pull off.

The entire game is arcade and ridiculous, and I love it. The level design, collectibles, stupid platforming and mental combat. It doesn't take itself seriously.

You could indeed say it's not really Doom anymore and you wouldn't be wrong but whatever. All I know is that the first Slayer Gate I did, which is in level 2, gave me more of an adrenaline rush than endgame stuff in 2016 and I was actively using more of my stuff.

Yeah completely agree on the slayer gates, so intense! The first one I did took me ages, nearly gave up but was just enjoying it too much, and felt great to finally do it. Strangely the next couple didn't take me as long.

I don't really mind the weak points on enemies, I know its supposed to be a mindless shooter but I don't think it detracts from that too much, just a little strategy to some encounters. Overall its just immense fun, its just so satisfying and feels great.

The only thing I've been unhappy with is some occasional messages telling me the game has lost connection to the server. Oh and I'd like a bit more ammo...
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The fights and the difficulty aren't the problem for me personally. It's the way the game forces you to play a certain way against certain enemies, the excessive platforming, the purple goop which serves no purpose in a fast pace game at all and the unnecessary ammo limitation in what should be a mindless blast-em-up.

Doom was never a "mindless blast-em-up". Sure it had that veneer; but underneath, there was always an element of strategy. How to move; how to crowd control; how to use these explosive barrels to my advantage.

Eternal is great. It takes what made Doom 2016 so good, multiplies that by 100.
Doom was never a "mindless blast-em-up". Sure it had that veneer; but underneath, there was always an element of strategy. How to move; how to crowd control; how to use these explosive barrels to my advantage.

Eternal is great. It takes what made Doom 2016 so good, multiplies that by 100.

It was a fast paced run and gun game. Sure there are tactics but you could say the same about Serious Sam which is also a mindless blast-em-up. I am not a fan of having to stop mid-fight to chainsaw an enemy. It breaks up the gunplay for me and slows the whole game down and while it doesn't ruin the experience it definitely takes away from it. Forcing a specific weapon against a specific enemy isn't great either in my opinion.

This is just my opinion though, everyone is entitled to theirs.
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Yeah completely agree on the slayer gates, so intense! The first one I did took me ages, nearly gave up but was just enjoying it too much, and felt great to finally do it. Strangely the next couple didn't take me as long.

I don't really mind the weak points on enemies, I know its supposed to be a mindless shooter but I don't think it detracts from that too much, just a little strategy to some encounters. Overall its just immense fun, its just so satisfying and feels great.

The only thing I've been unhappy with is some occasional messages telling me the game has lost connection to the server. Oh and I'd like a bit more ammo...

Don't know how but I did the first one on my second try and the second one first try but there was definitely some sweat involved (and probably some luck):p I reckon the rest will kick my bottom.

Agreed, it's proper fun, I went in without any expectations and the game took me by surprise with its oldschool silliness. It's like a more challenging Serious Sam on steroids, every fight puts me in "let's ****ing go!" mode:D

I don't mind weak points or weapon switching too much either, especially that when you use them you can get rid of enemies faster than in 2016.

At least the combat is varied and flows, Doom 2016 tried to be more serious and it didn't work that great IMO. Much blander levels (more coherent though), defaulting to 1-2 guns and a chainsaw I didn't even have to use. I didn't get the rush Eternal gives me. Mixing glory kills and chainsawing strategically is actually more intersting than just blasting things with guns all the time and it's so much faster overall.

So yeah, I'm probably in the minority bit I like most things about this new silly version of Doom, from the combat loop to platforming even, didn't expect it but it's the truth:p
It was a fast paced run and gun game. Sure there are tactics but you could say the same about Serious Sam which is also a mindless blast-em-up. I am not a fan of having to stop mid-fight to chainsaw an enemy. It breaks up the gunplay for me and slows the whole game down and while it doesn't ruin the experience it definitely takes away from it. Forcing a specific weapon against a specific enemy isn't great either in my opinion.

This is just my opinion though, everyone is entitled to theirs.

I totally agree.
Eternal is a really good game, but i LOVED the 2016 game.
The platforming just bores me, i want mindless carnage however i wish to dish it out not having to do one of what seems like 12 other kinds of attacks between every few enemies.
I totally agree.
Eternal is a really good game, but i LOVED the 2016 game.
The platforming just bores me, i want mindless carnage however i wish to dish it out not having to do one of what seems like 12 other kinds of attacks between every few enemies.

But they have done it this way to keep the endless pressure on. With the amount of enemies they throw at you you would quickly run out of ammo, amour and health if there was no way to regenerate it.

I think it works well.

As far as I am concerned compared to a lot of AAA titles the quality of this one is high throughout.
No crashes at all for me. Are you running any overclocks?

only xmp set on my ram everything else was stock. had a look online and saw others had it happen too. just refunded as am not paying £20 to troubleshoot it should just work for everyone. with any luck it'll be sorted by time i get it. game felt excellent and looked good was a real bloody shame.

ended up getting rage 2 instead and am enjoying it so far am about 3 or 4 hours into it.
No crashes at all for me. Are you running any overclocks?

Same here. Played through twice, once on normal, once on the step above. No crashes. It's a demanding game, on a extremely advanced Vulkan engine. Any crashes are people's rig's being unstable under high load, if the same people ran Asus realbench for a few hours they'd most likely also crash to desktop/blue screen.

Preferred Doom 2016, but thoroughly enjoyed Eternal. Felt like a big step up in difficulty, something that was rewarding to overcome. The story, graphics and affects are extremely well done.
Same here. Played through twice, once on normal, once on the step above. No crashes. It's a demanding game, on a extremely advanced Vulkan engine. Any crashes are people's rig's being unstable under high load, if the same people ran Asus realbench for a few hours they'd most likely also crash to desktop/blue screen.

Preferred Doom 2016, but thoroughly enjoyed Eternal. Felt like a big step up in difficulty, something that was rewarding to overcome. The story, graphics and affects are extremely well done.

are you saying my ryzen 3600 and 2070s aren't up to the task? as they play everything else no problem.
Don't know how but I did the first one on my second try and the second one first try but there was definitely some sweat involved (and probably some luck):p I reckon the rest will kick my bottom.

Not sure why I struggled so much with the first but I've been getting gradually better at them. However just attempting the 5th one (I think) and its got Marauder in it, and I really struggled with him at the end of the last level, so could be on this one a while!
are you saying my ryzen 3600 and 2070s aren't up to the task? as they play everything else no problem.

Something's definitely wrong here, I've got a 4790k and a 2070S, the game runs at 60fps locked at 1440p maxed settings. I'm halfway through level 5 with no crashes at all.

It's not a demanding engine, it's actually brilliantly optimised and your rig is perfectly capable of maxing out the game. Hell, consoles run it at 60fps, lol.

Either it's just the game being capricious with some setups or there's something going on in the background. Or the xmp profile, who knows. Stuff like that can be a lottery, I guess better to refund than to waste time fixing it and miss the refund window. A shame though, bloody good game.
Something's definitely wrong here, I've got a 4790k and a 2070S, the game runs at 60fps locked at 1440p maxed settings. I'm halfway through level 5 with no crashes at all.

It's not a demanding engine, it's actually brilliantly optimised and your rig is perfectly capable of maxing out the game. Hell, consoles run it at 60fps, lol.

Either it's just the game being capricious with some setups or there's something going on in the background. Or the xmp profile, who knows. Stuff like that can be a lottery, I guess better to refund than to waste time fixing it and miss the refund window. A shame though, bloody good game.

yeah i saw a post on reddit about the issue when i first googled about it and its happening on machines with 2080ti's and i9's etc too. they're wasn't a clear 'fix' so just decided to do the refund. was really looking forward to playing it and was loving it till the crashes. like i said before i'll just wait till the price nosedives and get it again and fingers crossed whatever the issue is, is resolved.
You don't need a beefy system to play this game. My GTX 1080 is doing just fine at 1440p. And according to benchmarks should be getting around 80 fps.

No crashes at all. It's a very stable game.
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