Download Enemy Territory: Quake Wars - Beta Client , to fileplanet subscribers

check your key repository on fileplanet, mine is already on there.

Just played a few games, undecided at the moment whether it is good or not.

There was no way I could play it at 1900x1200 as the frame rate was horrific, not sure what the fps was, but I bet it was single figures at times (Vista64, 4gb ram, 2 x 8800GTX)

There was one guy on the server that was owning everyone, now either he was a superb player or he had found a glitch, I couldn't even injure him never mind kill him and he was top at everything on the stats screen at the end :rolleyes:

The effects are very nice, the graphics in places look pretty basic, in others very nice also.

The vehicles will take some getting used to, the floaty strogg craft was all over the place :D

it really seems to be a cross between battlefield and quake4, no bad thind to be honest.

I hope the final code is better though as most people don't have a machine of my spec and if mine struggles at high res then it will kill less powerful machines and people just won't keep playing.

On balance it didn't have the wow factor that a lot of games have in the past, probably because it has been hyped up for so long.
dbilsborough said:
check your key repository on fileplanet, mine is already on there.

Just played a few games, undecided at the moment whether it is good or not.

There was no way I could play it at 1900x1200 as the frame rate was horrific, not sure what the fps was, but I bet it was single figures at times (Vista64, 4gb ram, 2 x 8800GTX)

There was one guy on the server that was owning everyone, now either he was a superb player or he had found a glitch, I couldn't even injure him never mind kill him and he was top at everything on the stats screen at the end :rolleyes:

The effects are very nice, the graphics in places look pretty basic, in others very nice also.

The vehicles will take some getting used to, the floaty strogg craft was all over the place :D

it really seems to be a cross between battlefield and quake4, no bad thind to be honest.

I hope the final code is better though as most people don't have a machine of my spec and if mine struggles at high res then it will kill less powerful machines and people just won't keep playing.

On balance it didn't have the wow factor that a lot of games have in the past, probably because it has been hyped up for so long.

Have you got monthly account?, or a yearly?
Decided to get an annual account, theres always plenty of stuff I've wanted but put off downloading and I always sign up for a single monthly account whenever i see a beta I fancied, it was only 20 quid for the year should get my moneys worth pretty fast. Just got my QW key.
Anyone with a HD2900XT dont waste your time, the games bugged as hell on this with the current lame driver set, the textures are all over and it crashes my machine even when changing settings, gutted. Will have to wait for the new drivers from AMD this week. :o
twoodster said:
How have they managed to make the graphics look worse than BF2 on the Quake 3 engine?

You need to actually see it moving to appreciate it tbh, remember that the images posted (at least the ones on our site) are reduced to 800pix wide from 1920pix (TB' WS monitor to thank for that). To say it looks worse than BF2 imho is incorrect.
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