download feastival 2006

andybtsn said:
I'd see them over BFMV anyday.
a convincing argument, especially as bfmv will have an even worse effect of dragging in all the little kids, but find them much more bearable, despise ffaf, and the benefit of attracting all the little kids is that they wont be at whatever stage i am
Really want to go. But i dont know my exam dates yet and its my 3rd year (so important). Would suck to buy tickets and not be able to go!

The line-up looks fairly good to me anyway!
How gutting that my friend has chosen to get married on the Saturday, means I definitely can't go to Download and there are sooo many bands want to see :(
Efaws said:
Fightstar? Wooooo :mad:

Dragonforce will be nice tho :)

are you just tarnishing fightstar cause of the whole "he's from busted" thing? give em a go, they're pretty damn good!

and reflex, give opeth time to confirm, it'll be in the next batch ;)
I saw them at reading, and they wernt too bad, not very download ish tho... we want metal :D!

Come on A7x, confirm, confirm!
guess who got arrested last year at download festival day before slayer played :P

*points to self :)

this time lets try not to let it happen lmfao.
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