....So it only got dx11 and mantle as options, no dx9 ?. I got the latest amd drivers, is there a patch due out yet
You got the latest beta AMD driver?
....So it only got dx11 and mantle as options, no dx9 ?. I got the latest amd drivers, is there a patch due out yet
Or maybe focus more on the positives. Now that would be really cool internet.
Like it all you want, as I do. Dismissing people with concerns about a product they paid for as 'whiners' is something that needs to stop. We see it far too much.
Suppose everyone should just 'put up and shut up' eh?
Oh well, further and further into the game and still basically spamming winters grasp and chain lightning, almost everything else is passives or pretty rubbish sounding, every fight regardless of enemy is the same with only 4 real attack spells and having had them for about 5 levels now, it's getting a bit boring.
In terms of lots to do, fetch this, move that, build camp here, very little in terms of story being told, it's quite like playing Lotro at this point, similar landscape design/feel(not exactly but fairly close styles), boring quests.
Even early on in DA:O tactics were required and different enemies might want different orders of who to kill, using different spells or setting up for certain combo's. This game just doesn't lend itself to that, both in low number of large fights, low number of spell options, seeming heavy reliance on auto attacks and crappy Ai every fight is just a free for all, and without healing they've toned down damage and left not even a debuffing/healing element to fighting.
You got the latest beta AMD driver?
The game is certainly better with gamepad. I just really can't see why I'm getting 30fps with a 780 on ultra at 1080p![]()
I'm getting stuttering during cut scenes and what feels like delayed character movement from the start, putting it on hold until I can find a solution/fix don't want to start and then get annoyed at the lag/stutter.
Could be MSAA if you have it on, it absolutely destroys performance for very little gain.
The cutscenes are locked at 30fps & will stutter now & again.
Don't think it can be fixed until Bioware patch it.
Massive spoiler about a choice you make in the game. Click at your own risk,
I just killed hawke... Or rather made a decision that killed her. Great moment actually, similar to virmire decision in Mass Effect
Cheapest place to grab?