Dragon Age Inquisition

Or maybe focus more on the positives. Now that would be really cool internet.

Know what would be even cooler? If people let others give feedback (Positive or negative) without feeling the need to call them "Whiners".

If you enjoy the game, then that's great for you, I personally enjoy the game too, minus a few gripes, but if someone doesn't, whatever their reason, maybe you should just respect their own opinion without finding the need to call them "whiners", you just sound like a massive fanboy who can't stand any criticism of their beloved game.
Like it all you want, as I do. Dismissing people with concerns about a product they paid for as 'whiners' is something that needs to stop. We see it far too much.

Suppose everyone should just 'put up and shut up' eh?

To be fair, that description really does apply to the sort of people who rate stuff on Metacritic. It's practically their job.

There are a lot of negatives for Inquisition, definitely. The problem is, the overwhelming positives are very rarely, if ever, mentioned with the negatives. And since people reading the posts and ratings focus on the negatives only it results in a completely skewed viewpoint and people like ICEx21 gets the mistaken impression that people are starting to dislike it the longer they play it. I've read a lot of this thread and the official forums and I've noticed that the negatives are (mostly) overwhelmingly from people who played only a couple hours and stopped, which is not enough time really to judge anything other than initial impressions.

drunkenmaster is on point for lots of his complaints, but a couple of them are stuff that does change later on.

For example:

Oh well, further and further into the game and still basically spamming winters grasp and chain lightning, almost everything else is passives or pretty rubbish sounding, every fight regardless of enemy is the same with only 4 real attack spells and having had them for about 5 levels now, it's getting a bit boring.

You unlock specialization skill trees at level 11 which seem to be universally praised for being well designed and fun to use. It seems to me these early trees may have been designed to compliment the specialization trees and once you have them and get more abilities it becomes far more tactical and fun.

In terms of lots to do, fetch this, move that, build camp here, very little in terms of story being told, it's quite like playing Lotro at this point, similar landscape design/feel(not exactly but fairly close styles), boring quests.

There's very little story being told outside of the main story, yes. If you don't choose to do the main story quests naturally you won't get any. You're right about side quests being slightly monotonous though, although the size and variety of the zones does make it less so.

Even early on in DA:O tactics were required and different enemies might want different orders of who to kill, using different spells or setting up for certain combo's. This game just doesn't lend itself to that, both in low number of large fights, low number of spell options, seeming heavy reliance on auto attacks and crappy Ai every fight is just a free for all, and without healing they've toned down damage and left not even a debuffing/healing element to fighting.

Yeah early on tactics are irrelevant really. If you play on nightmare however and fights become higher level cross class combos become far more necessary. Try doing the level 12 elite rifts in Hinterlands with just autoattacks and no strategy, it isn't possible. Common enemies in DA:O were **** easy also, it was the large packs (I agree there should be more of those) and elite packs that were difficult, and they still are here.

As for debuffing, I think the specialization trees have more of that (might be wrong, haven't looked in depth) but I think the priority is CC based combat rather than debuffs also (although paralysis etc is still here). And while I dislike healing not being in the game I think it does tend to make the combat a bit more intense when you have to be proactive with your mitigation instead of just spamming heal on cooldown and having it be a battle of attrition.
Seen some other people mentioning issues,

Anyone found any fixes yet for gameplay improvements?

I'm getting stuttering during cut scenes and what feels like delayed character movement from the start, putting it on hold until I can find a solution/fix don't want to start and then get annoyed at the lag/stutter.

You got the latest beta AMD driver?

Yah, i got it running better now. You got to keep ultra settings for the characters or they look awful (plastic looking hair and shiny clothes in cut scenes). Playing a mage on normal its ok. Just cleared first boss and gonna have a break for a bit :)

A few screenshots to show i am playing it :)




And finaly me. Gonna ride that bull i am :)

Gonna try my gamepad as keyboard and mouse does not feel right
The game is certainly better with gamepad. I just really can't see why I'm getting 30fps with a 780 on ultra at 1080p :(
I'm getting stuttering during cut scenes and what feels like delayed character movement from the start, putting it on hold until I can find a solution/fix don't want to start and then get annoyed at the lag/stutter.

The cutscenes are locked at 30fps & will stutter now & again.

Don't think it can be fixed until Bioware patch it.

bit in the fade where a demnon is trying to get inside your head-

"do you think anything you did actually mattered Hawke?"


BTW, the fade looks amazing!

Really enjoying it here. Been some epic moments and some really good exploring in some great areas.
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Played for 16 hours now, still enjoying the game. Got quite a few new companions now, and lots of Power points aswell. Not very far into the main quest as im doing lots of other stuff.

Only negatives for me is:
Performance anything higher than high setting is quite chuggy in places. Small complaint as the game looks amazing at high settings. And im sure NVidia and bioware will sort it out.
Controls did take a while to get used to on mouse and keyboard, but im glad I had the patience to deal with it.

So yeah the game is great and I may go back on later today...im addicted:)
Massive spoiler about a choice you make in the game. Click at your own risk,

I just killed hawke:)... Or rather made a decision that killed her. Great moment actually, similar to virmire decision in Mass Effect
Massive spoiler about a choice you make in the game. Click at your own risk,

I just killed hawke:)... Or rather made a decision that killed her. Great moment actually, similar to virmire decision in Mass Effect

Im not looking, I made the mistake of looking at the one above:p
How many hours have you clocked up and would you say you have stuck to the main story or done lots of sidequests and trying to find everything?
28 hours:o

Explored quite a bit, but not much... I mean, I don't collect everything, for example I have 22 active quests in the Hinterlands. I have tons and tons left on every map, and at least 6 maps I haven't even been to yet(and still not done the main Orlais mission). Some, like The Fallow Mire and Storm Coast I have barely set foot in. The game is absolutely massive.

Also, I have run away from every dragon I have come across so far!
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