got on for a couple of hours and its ok, definitely no DA:Origins beater. Combat sucks, whats this Hold down the R key to perma attack fluff! You need to be an octopus to play a dual wield Rogue in this.
Will try it with a controller next time since it clearly thinks its a console game.
Meh, the gameplay is DA2, maybe even more boring, the world has at least reverted back to DA:O in that it's big, pretty beautiful, the environments are really pretty and work well together.
The smoke, no idea if that is a bug, Mantle, AMD, or some setting that isn't working but smoke(the mist type stuff I've seen in various places) is woeful, completely blocks view and is flat and is basically like a sprite, it rotates about a central point so if you walk around it it's like a wide/thin piece of smoke you can see rotating around.
UI is terrible, combat is pretty dire. Having gotten deeper into the magic trees they instead of simply reducing the power of spells like storm/blizzard, they just changed them so they are worse and most importantly, a lot less fun to use. Also the general idea of giving uber powerful spells early in the game, only Blizzard is the deepest in it's tree, now a freaking crappy toggle, but even then you don't need to have the two spells before it just the one. So it's basically spam 3-4 spells all game long, with no tactics, and no chance to set up awesome uber storm combo's or anything and I don't have that to look forward to later in the game either.
Spamming auto attack, stupid AI both enemy and team. Guard has the bullrushing type thing, spent a point on it, turned it off, with friendly fire she kills more team mates than even hits enemies. Lack of genuine tactics and making the spell/attack trees significantly more boring.... a combination of stupidity. The way to fix it would be to scale enemies up better, too many rpg's let players get insanely powerful while only levelling up enemies to the base stats level, not as if they have pretty decent gear by end game as well. If that happened the uber powerful storm combinations wouldn't kill as quickly and would be needed rather than just fun. Nerfing every fun spell in the game rather than making enemies harder is absolutely insanely stupid.
I can't believe anyone even suggested this is moving away from DA2, graphically, maybe size/scope of world sure, but gameplay it's very much DA2 and all the worse parts of it and made worse still.
Story is pretty poorly written up to the point I'm at and character interaction is non existent outside of Haven.
With the story it's just, they start the inquisition, send one scout party out, you visit this area and someone is already in command of the inquisition forces, everyone knows about it. Same thing when you get to the chantry and the Templar smacks the chantry woman in the face, which was just poorly done as a cutscene in general. But while she is LYING ON THE FLOOR STILL FROM BEING HIT, you talk to her and she's talking about how they've rebelled against the chantry across the nation... she got hit 3 seconds before but has found out about the state of the entire nation. They keep doing this, there is no flow to the story at all, it's random and jumps forward. It's easy enough to write those jumps forward in, but when the stupid bint is on the floor from just being hit but talking like it's weeks later.
The story makes even less sense than DA2, except for the world it's played out in, nothing is a patch on DA:O.
Dm- it does get a lot better after you leave Haven. Not everything makes perfect sense but it is much more coherent. The world really opens up as well.
I have played for a few hours tonight but simply cant enjoy it. Controls, UI and story for me are just bad. Looked at getting an Origin refund but because I opened the game more then 24hrs ago I am not eligable for one.
As Pighardia says it really does open up. I'm not as far as him since he's reached Skyhold but the story is picking up for me now and I'm really enjoying it.
And as I posted earlier, you guys should give some serious thought to moving to a controller. Despite most PC gamer reservations (mine included) it really does make the game so much more enjoyable and much smoother.
The UI is markedly improved with the controller too, seeing as it was made with it in mind. Many of my issues with the game were fixed with a gamepad honestly.
Dm- it does get a lot better after you leave Haven. Not everything makes perfect sense but it is much more coherent. The world really opens up as well.
I've got beyond haven, the thing with the chantry woman( i forget the name of the place, first place you travel after Hinterlands, almost nothing to do there at least for now, the first place you go in Orlais) and that story nonsense. Hinterlands is pretty, it's not actually graphically top notch but it's designed/styled excellently and blends together great.
But when the combat sucks a game that is constant combat is going to struggle. As said, even in DA2 I could see storm/blizzard/fire spells at the end of the tree that made me want to get there and when I did they were fun to use, they killed that part as well.
Then the god damned pinging/loot thing, really, woeful mechanic. Not least because it barely highlights anything and doesn't show them up on radar I can ping 10 times before spotting the one elf root behind a rock or something. That it will ping off signs/ladders/buildings(camp buildings do it for whatever reason) just makes it even more useless and irritating.
General gameplay is just so poor that it needed epic story to make up for me what is even worse combat and going in totally the wrong direction. SO many people were saying this game was all about reversing the direction the company went between DA:O and DA2, that is what made me buy it.... but I find except for the scale of the world and not being one grey town and one repeated map, everything got worse and more irritating.
It got, less tactical, less RPG, less difficult, less fun, less spells, less "fun" spells, worse combat, more irritating little features like the pinging and the story is being poorly told. Even in DA2 there was a hell of a lot more character interaction, but compared to DA:O, Varric hasn't said anything funny or interesting yet, the other guys(only 4 party members I've gotten so far) haven't had an interesting comment between them.
I've got beyond haven, the thing with the chantry woman( i forget the name of the place, first place you travel after Hinterlands, almost nothing to do there at least for now, the first place you go in Orlais) and that story nonsense. Hinterlands is pretty, it's not actually graphically top notch but it's designed/styled excellently and blends together great.
But when the combat sucks a game that is constant combat is going to struggle. As said, even in DA2 I could see storm/blizzard/fire spells at the end of the tree that made me want to get there and when I did they were fun to use, they killed that part as well.
Then the god damned pinging/loot thing, really, woeful mechanic. Not least because it barely highlights anything and doesn't show them up on radar I can ping 10 times before spotting the one elf root behind a rock or something. That it will ping off signs/ladders/buildings(camp buildings do it for whatever reason) just makes it even more useless and irritating.
General gameplay is just so poor that it needed epic story to make up for me what is even worse combat and going in totally the wrong direction. SO many people were saying this game was all about reversing the direction the company went between DA:O and DA2, that is what made me buy it.... but I find except for the scale of the world and not being one grey town and one repeated map, everything got worse and more irritating.
It got, less tactical, less RPG, less difficult, less fun, less spells, less "fun" spells, worse combat, more irritating little features like the pinging and the story is being poorly told. Even in DA2 there was a hell of a lot more character interaction, but compared to DA:O, Varric hasn't said anything funny or interesting yet, the other guys(only 4 party members I've gotten so far) haven't had an interesting comment between them.
Come across my first bugged quest, seems a couple other people online getting the same, cleaning house on storm cost, there is an optional element to it, using the optional part the quest doesn't seem to complete properly
Oh well, further and further into the game and still basically spamming winters grasp and chain lightning, almost everything else is passives or pretty rubbish sounding, every fight regardless of enemy is the same with only 4 real attack spells and having had them for about 5 levels now, it's getting a bit boring.
In terms of lots to do, fetch this, move that, build camp here, very little in terms of story being told, it's quite like playing Lotro at this point, similar landscape design/feel(not exactly but fairly close styles), boring quests.
Even early on in DA:O tactics were required and different enemies might want different orders of who to kill, using different spells or setting up for certain combo's. This game just doesn't lend itself to that, both in low number of large fights, low number of spell options, seeming heavy reliance on auto attacks and crappy Ai every fight is just a free for all, and without healing they've toned down damage and left not even a debuffing/healing element to fighting.
Loving the world they've built, but they've filled it up with trash mobs, trash quests and killed the entire interactive feel of the characters from previous games. Actual comments as you walk around from party members are almost non existent, their stories when talking to them in Haven are boring and to the point, there is basically no humour or charm in the dialogue at all.
Come across my first bugged quest, seems a couple other people online getting the same, cleaning house on storm cost, there is an optional element to it, using the optional part the quest doesn't seem to complete properly
I thought that, but I realised I never actually put on the amulet that I created. Then you just talk to the leader at the back of the camp, deal with him and then the quest completes properly.
You can't have really looked then as the first one had quite a few mods and they're not hard to find.
I have no idea regarding the second one as that was just pants and I had to force myself to play that to the end.
It seems that now that people are getting further into the game the reviews are sliding from positive first impressions to a more negative feel, the last time I checked metacritic the critic scores were high where as the user scores had about the same number of negatives as the positives.
I won't be able to play this game till Friday/Saturday but I'm really hoping I enjoy it otherwise it's gonna be a right killer and I don't know if I can force myself to play through the end again like I did with DA2.
You can't have really looked then as the first one had quite a few mods and they're not hard to find.
I have no idea regarding the second one as that was just pants and I had to force myself to play that to the end.
It seems that now that people are getting further into the game the reviews are sliding from positive first impressions to a more negative feel, the last time I checked metacritic the critic scores were high where as the user scores had about the same number of negatives as the positives.
I won't be able to play this game till Friday/Saturday but I'm really hoping I enjoy it otherwise it's gonna be a right killer and I don't know if I can force myself to play through the end again like I did with DA2.
The user metacritic score is useless. It's been tanked by people throwing a fit and voting 0, unless it is the worst game in the history of time, it should not be 0. The other end of the scale is fan boys voting 10. Very view people give an objective review.
You can't have really looked then as the first one had quite a few mods and they're not hard to find.
I have no idea regarding the second one as that was just pants and I had to force myself to play that to the end.
It seems that now that people are getting further into the game the reviews are sliding from positive first impressions to a more negative feel, the last time I checked metacritic the critic scores were high where as the user scores had about the same number of negatives as the positives.
I won't be able to play this game till Friday/Saturday but I'm really hoping I enjoy it otherwise it's gonna be a right killer and I don't know if I can force myself to play through the end again like I did with DA2.
The user metacritic score is useless. It's been tanked by people throwing a fit and voting 0, unless it is the worst game in the history of time, it should not be 0. The other end of the scale is fan boys voting 10. Very view people give an objective review.
Maybe but if you look on it now there are a few people that do give it quite an objective review and they seem to agree with the points made by Drunkenmaster.
I'm still gonna give this game a good go though as I've been waiting for a long time to play it.
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