Dragon Age:inquisition

Might have my first quest bug in 40 hours, got a quest regarding darkspawn in the western approach, I go to the marker kill people there but the person I'm after seems to be a no show.
Good shout I unlocked a few other area's from the war map, might be one more to go, think this was the first zone I've been two where there were small individual area's locked within the main area.
I picked this up yesterday. Great game...solid open world explore-fest! I brought GTA but this seems to have hooked me a lot more :)

Not sure what i'm doing like the others say but i'm questing and following my inquisition paths. Is that right?

I've seen two dragons now....i will fight one when i'm strong enough!
I'm done and dusted now. 120 hours roughly. Not killed all the dragons but I've had this on rental from Boomerang for 2+ weeks and I need a change - TO THE HIMALAYAS, I say!

Oooh, a bit more after the end credits. I found the story really confusing but

what was going on with Solas at the end?
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I'm done and dusted now. 120 hours roughly. Not killed all the dragons but I've had this on rental from Boomerang for 2+ weeks and I need a change - TO THE HIMALAYAS, I say!

Oooh, a bit more after the end credits. I found the story really confusing but

what was going on with Solas at the end?

Warning, end game spoilers!

Solas is Fen'Harel, the elven trickster god whom the Dalish believe imprisoned the rest of the elven gods, although Solas himself tells the Inquisitor that the legend isn't true and Flemeth/Mythal greets him as a friend (if you talk to him enough it becomes clear that Solas hates the Dalish!) The orb that Corypheus uses was his and he blames himself for what happened. At the end, it appeared like Mythal jumped into Solas' body, presumably killing Flemeth and merging Mythal and Fen'Harel for some reason, but why isn't known yet.
Changed my 2 Hand Warrior build last night when I unlocked Reaver spec, enjoying the game even more now, although kind of wishing I had stuck with Nightmare mode instead of dropping to Hard as feeling pretty indestructible now.
Well im about 50hours into it just unlocked the 3 "trainers at skyhold
First thoughts it felt a bit straight forward and abit boring
But then it really starts to open up and theres loads to do
Im am mage but its sometimes good to switch to one of the warriors just to keep things different.
the looting system isnt the best and but its works well enough
Theres quite a few glitchs here and there sometimes loading skyhold back up it can do an assassins creed style empty world but after a few seconds catchs up
The lips in cut scenes are a bit bright and look silly but that can be changed,
To me personally its better than the last 2 dragon ages
But still isnt on par with the mass size and better mechanics of skyrim but i suppose thats all personal preference,
Im really enjoying it tho.
Im only level 11 on most characters so ill update as things progress.
I didn't like the incredibly over-simplified combat / tactics or the general 'messiness' of combat meaning stuff would pop up everywhere and all melee enemies did AoE damage meaning non-tank melees would just melt too quickly.

Generally a good game, probably 8/10 for me but not up to Dragon Age: Origins personally.

I HATE that Morrigan is in the game but not playable, she's possibly my favourite game character ever. Boooo.
I love the story form the others and i need to finish it. got well involved with the wardens and the then the champion.

the combat is awful, i just cant adjust to it. wasnt that bad at first but its just getting harder and harder to adjust to. my problem is i am playing melee, i always do, i just dont like to sit back and fire shots off. im thinking ranged is the way to go for this game but im 20 hours in and cba to start again.

DA;O had better combat and even DA2 was much better than this combat wise imo.

hopefully for the next one they will add some healer spells and then make melee combat better. i cant put my finer on why its poor it just is.
Not played a DA game before but after what I have read about this game seems like a fun game to lose a good few hours of my life in ... Esp after a few recent ps4 games I've not really enjoyed
Have this arriving for XBO tomorrow, not that I really needed something new to play but thought I'd give it a go.

Know what you mean my back cat is starting to get abit on the big side for my ps4:

Walking Dead
Sleeping Dogs
Madden 25

Got to finish:
Watchdogs dlc
Second Son dlc

PS 3
AC: Rogue

Then there a few PSN games to finish or start

Could say that's about a good 6 months gaming then adding a 100+ hour game into the mix :eek::eek::D

The their whatever I get at Xmas lol

Playing AC:U at the moment
Heheh yep, still have to finish AC:U, now getting into Forza 5 since I switched to XBO, and have some others to get through as well. Lots of time being spent on RS2014, and I have Forza Horizon 2 coming for xmas, now got Dragon Age and GTA V arriving tomorrow :/
It seems every time I open a new area the game just gets bigger. I can't think of another game that's done such a good job of hiding the true size of it's playing area. I opened Crestwood last night as was shocked to see it's nearly as big as the Hinterlands...
It seems every time I open a new area the game just gets bigger. I can't think of another game that's done such a good job of hiding the true size of it's playing area. I opened Crestwood last night as was shocked to see it's nearly as big as the Hinterlands...

Problem is you soon out level the zones and 50%+ of the areas become trivial/rubbish loot/not worth the effort unless you are OCD completion mad.
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