Dragons Den

You have to remember that they will see a lot of people with terrible ideas, so it's probably an automatic assumption on their part that the next one will also be terrible.

It's for the contestant to convince them otherwise. Also, I think their method of questioning is probably a very good system for weeding out the ideas that may seem decent but below the surface have serious problems.

Having said that, I do find the looks and expressions that mainly Theo and Peter give to be extremely arrogant. It's like an overexagerated 'stop wasting my time' look. The only one who doesn't seem to suffer from this arrogance is Richard, who actually seems like a pretty decent guy.
You can be honest and not be harsh at the same time, I would hate to think that in the real business world all the big business people are all such ******** to everyone they work with, thats not a decent work environment to be in.

I hate how everyone walks up the stairs and sets up their presentation and doesnt even acknowledge or say hi to the dragons until a few seconds after, it just feels awkward!
Tesla said:
Was the guy with the clothes dryer line the same guy that posts on here?

I thought the guy on here had some kind of footstool !?!

According to an article I read last year at least 90% of the deals don't actually happen because when it gets to the nitty gritty they realise the inventors were telling lies.
neocon said:
I really find them annoying, especially the women.

I thought there was only one woman investor?

I don't think they typically speak down to people as such, they just have to scrutinise the contestants properly to make sure that the investment is worthwhile. They're bound to come across as rude when incompetent contestants ask for loads of money without a proper pitch or any real relevant facts and figures. Many of come on without even finding out the figures of their basic business model.

You don't invest in businesses to make friends, you do it to make money and gain experience. The Dragons have no time to mess about being nice all the time.
neocon said:
Richard Farleigh for eg for going on about how

loads of people are working hard at university to make fuel cells.. blah blah

whats Richard Farleigh going to do? buy half their business and not really do much work.

this is turning into a rant and im not an anti capitalist

Yes. That is what venture capitalists do. They INVEST in someone elses business for a share of the business. If the business does well they get their money back, if it fails they do not.

Its not give a fiver get back £20.

Also as the venture capitalist has invested their money it is in their interests for the product to suceed. So they invest their time. Quite often these guys could be consultants who demand high salaries...so their time is worth a lot.

Richard Farleigh knew the industry better than the person who is making an item for that industry, who lacked even BASIC knoweldge. Its no suprise he therefore got upset. I think he is the most level headed one.

Theo Paphitis(sp?) on the other hand always wants the last word. It annoys me...he waits till everyone else has ducked out just so he can give his rubbish talk. AND HIS COMMAND OF THE LANGUAGE IS RUBBISH!!
RandomTom said:
Just to bring up a bit of an old thread, the guys with the standby television device just got all 5 dragons with the deal, nicely done!

And a great product, i would have gone alone. if they have a patent then they dont need the dragons. That is unusual as i would usually say there stupid for not accepting the dragons offer.
dmpoole said:
My wife just came in during the two guys with the power supply and I didn't see what happened.
Now just seen the threads above.

it's a power lead with a remote control teciever, it learns your tv/dvd ect ect. when you press the off button on a remote, it turns the appliance of and then the power lead, so uses no power at all.

green/money saving/patent = no need for dragons let alone 50%
if they integrate that to TV's the dragons will make a hell of a lot of money. Millions of TVs must be sold a year. Add to that the individula sales in supermarkets and such...i do think the dragons will make a hell of a lot.
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