Drayton Wiser (heater/water smart controller), my install log/issues

Cheers mate. Not ideal but did the same with the £13 extender I had. Basically instead of connecting the Heat Hub to the Virgin hub, I've connected to the Extender WiFi address. (Same as the Virgin address but with the -Ext on the end). Since then it's not lost signal once. So ok for now until I can afford a better more powerful router than the Virgin Hub 3
Hate to resurrect and hijack am old thread but I e just installed a Wiser hub and trvs and I think I'm having a bit of an issue with one of the trvs.

It's added to the system ok and whirrs most of the times when I turn it up or down but it doesn't always seem to actually open the valve? I've tried resetting it and readding it a couple of times and tried the tips earlier in the thread about removing the trv and setting it fully open. But I'm still not convinced it's working quite right.

Also, has anyone has any issues with the identify function not seeking to do anything sometimes?
Try the trv on a radiator that you know currently works. Should tell you if it's working or not.

But surely heat on the rad will be the answer. Is the radiator hot when it's supposed to be? No, then it's not open. Yes then it is open.
I've had a bit more of a tinker with it and I think actually it was to do with how Wiser triggers the boiler if the actual temp is close to the desired temp. Although I had increased the desired temp it could see the trend of the temp was rising so it didn't fire up the boiler and hence the rad didn't get warm because it could see the temp was already rising. I'll keep an eye on it but I think it might actually be fine.
If just the one radiator carries on being problematic, it’s worth taking the TRV off and checking the pin underneath is moving freely (i.e. it pushes up when you release it). If the pin stays down you need to loosen it with oil (& potentially pliers to gently pull it up if stuck). Pin out means radiator is on whilst pin in shuts off the radiator.
can the trvs be controlled with a zigbee hub only? all my current zigbee stuff is connected to alexa only and works great, would these be the same?
Have a look at this thread..
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Bumping this.
I recently switched to Sky for broadband and no amount of tinkering will get the silly setup procedure to activate on the app.

Going to have to call them I guess.
What’s happening with it?

I have Sky and Wiser and zero issues. Although I do use BT Whole Home discs for the WiFi - found Wiser is particularly sensitive to weak WiFi
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What’s happening with it?

I have Sky and Wiser and zero issues. Although I do use BT Whole Home discs for the WiFi - found Wiser is particularly sensitive to weak WiFi

Just won't connect.
Half the time it doesn't see any wifi at all, then when it does I pick mine, enter the details but it doesn't connect, just times out.
Its been a pain ever since my first installation.

Ive turned off 5ghz as people say that can be an issue. Nope, didnt make any difference. Have reset my phone as I know the wiser app can play up after a while without a phone reboot.
That seemed to help with the detection a few times. Even tried installer mode that made no diff.
I have read that it could be an issue with ivp6 so may try turning that off.
When I had BT I did have to lower one setting to improve and get wiser to be connected all the time. I forget what it was but it specifically said if your have connection issues on devices that lose it try lowering that. It was on the middle of three settings.
But I can stream music, even watch netflix on an ipad by the side of the wiser so I don't think there is a bad enough signal that it shouldn't be able to get a stable connection long enough to do the handshake thing it needs to do.

Your right for sure the wifi detection is weak. If I put my phone by the wiser its 2/3 on wifi signal so its not perfect but that shouldn't be bad enough to not get a connection for the 10 seconds or so in one of the many tries I made.
Ive got a long ethernet cable somewhere, I am tempted to measure but i think I may be able to get the router into direct line of sight to the wiser so that should completely eliminate that angle.
How far is it from the router, and is the router behind anything? Also, do you have mini boxes setup to connect by WiFi? These can cause some issues I think.

Sky WiFi coverage is rubbish to be honest with you, regardless as to what your phone signal shows. Phones have much better WiFi coverage than the likes of the Wiser.

If you can, I’d suggest trying a WiFi booster close to the Hub to rule that out. I can’t recall if you can use the hotspot on your phone. Would be worth experimenting with this though.

Failing that, get in touch with Drayton. The times I had issues very early on, their support were very good. I have to say though, since changing my WiFi to the BT Whole Home, with one fairly close to the Hub, I’ve never had a single issue.
How far is it from the router, and is the router behind anything? Also, do you have mini boxes setup to connect by WiFi? These can cause some issues I think.

Sky WiFi coverage is rubbish to be honest with you, regardless as to what your phone signal shows. Phones have much better WiFi coverage than the likes of the Wiser.

If you can, I’d suggest trying a WiFi booster close to the Hub to rule that out. I can’t recall if you can use the hotspot on your phone. Would be worth experimenting with this though.

Failing that, get in touch with Drayton. The times I had issues very early on, their support were very good. I have to say though, since changing my WiFi to the BT Whole Home, with one fairly close to the Hub, I’ve never had a single issue.

Its going through a wall (well kind of it depends on exact line up but its maybe through the floor and lining up with the lounge to kitchen diner doorway hard to tell) but since I have had it I moved from Sky to Bt and back to Sky. I didn't have any significant difference between the first sky and the BT router I would say, maybe the BT was a little better at connecting but nothing major.
This just refuses though which makes me think its something else.

Like I said though I'm going to find my long ethernet cable and see if I can move the router so it can be seen directly.
I think its about 10m and I think I need 10m to get into the kitchen.

Actually just had another thought whilst typing. I have two long ethernet cables connected to a port switch where the hub and fibre are. One of them into the lounge which I can probably pull through enough (its loose outside right now due to some home renovations) and get the hub connected to that instead.
That would I think give me enough cable to get the line of sight directly to the wiser, otherwise the other goes outside into the log cabin gym which itself can see into the kitchen, but maybe not as good a line of sight as the lounge one.

I tried a hotspot and that didn't show up on wiser app annoyingly.
if it’s any help, my router is way less than 10m away, in fact I’d say closer to half that, and my signal was flaky at best at the Hub. As soon as I changed to the BT discs it really helped - with a disc about 8’ away through one wall, the signal reports back as -58.
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