Thanks mast3r, I'll be using clear blue tubing as soon as I get sorted
My main issue now is the 8-pin ATX cable is too short to go round the back of the MB tray, gotta buy another sleeved extension, this should be ready next week but it's another delay.
so, tonight after the gym : (Getting into geek-trim)
check on the paint job.
check the GPU's for connections and possibly fit them
Start looking at loop / pump order
I'm worried that the pumps are sat on top of the DVDROM now, they get quite warm and don't want to shorten their life OR kill the DVD.
there's no space for a fan or even a heatsink .. Hmmmm problems problems
Also concerned about the SLI connectors on the GPUs .. seem a little bit fiddly, only a couple of O-rings between me and £1000 leaky disaster... meh .. who cares !
The Fan controller should be fun as well, I know it fits flush with the new fill ports (tested last night) but SO so so so many cables and also the temp sensors..
to be honest .. it's Bling only, I'm not dropping the fan speeds as there is no point
and the system has enough temp sensors apart from Ambient so .. it is pretty redundant.
I like it tho
The RAM is hacking me off too, I need to find somewhere that will strip the heatsinks bare and re-anodise them, Red is so not "in" .. I need Blue. or Silver
Hell I'd settle for white.
The Fans are awesome... I have no intention to paint the GT's .. it'd throw them off balance anyway.
any other thoughts on things to add in ?
brilliant, it sounds like you would get on well with me and Nath
Glad I'm in good company ... a shoulder to cry on over spilled mil*... De-ionised water .. is always appreciated
My mate came round yesterday with his PC to have a look at, he's just bought Starcraft II and his machine started to complain at the punishment, so I opened 'er up ..
10 minutes later after evicting the dust bunnies we found the source of his woes
dual core Pentium 1.2 Ghz
Raden X1200 ( not even listed on AMD Driver web btw)
1GB Ram
300W PSU
I made him cry by putting his whole box INSIDE my 800D and still being able to see my M/B behind it
Then I stopped showing off and found an old Foxconn M/B with a phenom 2 9950 I forgot I had, slapped in 4gb ram
the On Board GPU was an X1200 as well .. how weird is that !!
fired it up with Windows 7 ... and despite being a HDD from an age old build win 7 just picked up the drivers right away and worked like a charm .. I was so shocked.
I haven't seen my mate since .. apparently SC2 is mildly addictive ?? I might find out soon

if I ever finish this