Dremel Dream Machine!

I'm off on Holiday this afternoon .. so the next amendments and additions are going to have to wait ..

Learning SCUBA in the Maldives .. can't wait

When I'm back I'll be fixing up the RAM colour and a few other adjustments to make

I still have a dodgy GPU that is causing me grief by vanishing from Device manager .. it works, I know it does and it's tested .. I'm just doing summat wrong

thread is here if anyone has any major insights ?!

Have fun guys, see you ina few weeks

Yeah, I think it's time to send that faulty GPU back mate :( Sounds like there is a problem there, and while it can seems to be on when reseating, I bet there is something wrong that is causing it to constantly drop out.
Necromancy !

if Magic is worth doing .. it's worth sacrificing some virgins over it and becoming Ebil ! :D

This build is currently on the garage floor ina million tiny pieces .. time for the tear down and clean up ..

OH .. and I finally RMA'd the third 5870 .. I air cooled it and the fan was on 100% .. got it returned today .. it's like getting new toys at xmas !

And also ... time for some more modifications :eek:

So .. back over to you fellow peeps .. rock my world with your ideas please..

I'm thinking ov losing the dual bay res and getting some DNA cylinders and some D5's in series ..

the red RAM is possibly up for replacement .. (see thread in memory section)
this time BLUE !

the GPU's will be back under water soon .. :p
Apologies for another long hiatus .. the missus has been melting my credit cards on QVC

The smell of melted plastic had the neighbours calling the fire brigade !! :D

So, now that I finally got my own pocket money allowance I bought new tubes and some Phobya 1mm thermal pads and some more arctic silver 5 (no idea if this is still as good as it was a year ago?)

Anyway, I made myself very popular last week .

Her indoors went out for a works party (local do, few glasses of wine and a curry etc.)
So, I thought ... I'll have at least a few hours "ALONE TIME!" to do what I need to do

so I grabbed all me gear from the garage and started ripping the poor PC apart ..
I'd just finished dismantling and had the entire kitchen worktops, floor, doorway and even the new Oak table we recently acquired that "I Promised on my life to NEVER use for modding my PC! ... honest darling ... NEV .. ERRR !" completely covered in thermal pads and man goo (AS-5) .. that she walked back in the door 3 hours early

Damn stress headache from the bastages she works with !!

Well needless to say I was ******' popular for that.. She storms off upstairs and I have to rush job clean and pack my **** away.

Well, once I'd recovered from this major set back I set to stripping and re-applying the water blocks to the three shiny clean GPU, I even re-seated the CPU ..

Remember that Bear that **** on the CPU last time ? well his cousin came along apparently and he'd been knocking back the Ex-LAX ! .. Jeeeeezuz .. there was goo Everywhere !

anyway, long story short .. 3 days later it's all back together and working fine ! :)

then, friday night happened ...

it's about 10.45 pm ... I'm sat staring at the download bar .. 50% of 10 Gig of Pr0n...
actually it was crysis 2 ... but same difference..

the DL timer keep jumping up to 3days 17 hours to completion as her indoors fires up another you-tube video of how to make christmas cards and wot-not. and I glare up through the ceiling in frustration !

As I sit there contemplating .. I glance in the handy clear perspex window and spot ...


You guessed it

A flipping drip of water from the top RAD dripping down a toob and lands on the northbridge heatsink ... then splashes onto the top GPU ..

Only one splash though ...

So Now the Dilemma ... do I kill the power and lose the download OR attempt to catch further splashes with kitchen paper until DL complete ??

I go for the latter and quickly mop up, then leave a clean sheet as drop catcher .. which works. thank god

in fact it works so well, I get to install and play till 2 am when my good lady comes down to remind me of her presence and that she has boobs .. DAMN HER !

the PC gets turned off till next day when I can fix her up .. them plastic clips are RUBBISH !!

Should have used compression fittings but never mind now ... all is fixed.


Today I ordered 8GB Vengeance to replace the 4GB dominators.
Crysis 2 takes about 10 minutes to load textures and levels from an SSD

anyone want to buy some Dommies ?

I'll take a piccy tonight and update more soon .. I'm not going to replace the pumps or the res.
after the yearly maintenance everything seems to be working A-OK

Peace out
remember the horrible horrible RED RAM ?

well it's GOING !! finally ... I just invested in this :
Why not just a buy a case that can handle big rads in the first place instead of ruinging and butchering a good case?

Honestly it looks a mess... What a waste of an 800D
Oh well, only a year late, they make a case i actually like ;)

Still... Wheres the fun in that? ... Maybe my next build i ca "ruin" one of those ;p
Why not just a buy a case that can handle big rads in the first place instead of ruinging and butchering a good case?

Honestly it looks a mess... What a waste of an 800D

lets have a link to your build log then buddy :)

I would love to do a full evaluation of your system

seriously, your contribution to this thread is superb. in the meantime, i suggest you take a look at the forum rules as that is a borderline personal insult.

this section of the forum encourages modification and innovative builds, if you are unhappy with that, email a moderator instead of acting like a jackass in a good thread.

Great build. Was fun reading about all the problems that came up during your build and how you fixed them. I hope you do another log for your next build. :)

here here
have just been reading this log while i been eating my tea !

this log is amazing, the way you documented it all overcame all your problems!

you really did end up with a truly awesome machine and i take my hate off to you buddy !
twas a good read up , if anything these are the best logs to read because like all knuckle dragging men (myself included) you learn by mistakes. End of the day if your happy with the case its not wasted or butchered.

hats off OCD, you did well :)
Good Job Sir!

I often wonder how dangerous I would be with a multi tool/dremel. Great to see I'm not alone when it comes to facepalm mistakes. Good read :D
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