Drinking water

It's a complete myth that you need 2 litres anyway, there has never actually been any scientific proof to back this up. You can get all the water that you require from the water that is naturally in food, you don't need to drink two litres on top of that too.
Pfft, water.

I've had about 20 cans of coke over the past week, that probably isn't good, but they were 24 for £5 so :D
I have loads of cereal so I guess that balances it out :)
Actually, I haven't had a glass of water for ages :eek:
burnsy2023 said:
That doesn't mean you're healthy though.

haha :)

I'm not unhealthy though, I've not been to the doctor's in years and... hmmm, maybe I'm a bit lazy.

Also on that site: It's perfectly safe to crack your knuckles :D
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burnsy2023 said:
Indeed it's called hyponatremia, the primary reason being that you dilute the salt and plasma in the blood to critical levels



Yeah saw an programme a long time back about an American soldier during an exercise, took over 13 odd pints of water in a half period, he died a pretty horrendous death by all accounts, it was something to do with a trigger in the brain which caused it.
I always thought that the advise was to consume 2 litres a day with the water in your food (about a litre) counting towards that total leaving you having to drink one litre

Saying that, I drink between 2 and 4 litres a day and I feel and look much better than when I would drink less
burnsy2023 said:
Indeed it's called hyponatremia, the primary reason being that you dilute the salt and plasma in the blood to critical levels



Exactly, this is what tragically killed Leah Betts, not the ‘evil’ :rolleyes: ecstasy tablet that ignorant papers such as The Sun/Daily Mail would have you believe :(

They could have used this hugely covered tragedy to save lives by educating people about water intoxication and hyponatremia, instead they continued with the pathetic 'Drugs kill, Don't do them, End of discussion' stance :mad: When will they learn :confused: :(
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M0t0r0la said:
Exactly, this is what tragically killed Leah Betts, not the ‘evil’ :rolleyes: ecstasy tablet that ignorant papers such as The Sun/Daily Mail would have you believe :(...

that should read something like "ignorant papers such as the sun/daily mail AND LEAH'S PARENTS"
Rebelius said:
that should read something like "ignorant papers such as the sun/daily mail AND LEAH'S PARENTS"

True, but I can forgive her parents as they were obviously massively emotionally involved! Also I'm pretty sure her dad was an X police officer so no doubt he has had the government’s stupid drugs stance stamped into him his entire working life!!!

The sad fact of the matter is, and as horrible as it is too say, but her parents were to some degree responsible for her death :(
Leah knew that both her parents were very anti-drugs and that her dad being a police officer would be able to tell that she was pilling off her head.
So to prevent getting into loads of trouble she thought (from lack of good drugs information and education) that the answer to looking normal again was to drink loads of water :(
I honestly believe that had her parents not been in the next room she wouldn’t have cared that she looked completely mashed and would still be alive today just like the mates of hers that took the exact same pills :(

In my opinion it's a tragedy that could have so easily been avoided with good drugs information and education....
p4radox said:
Or not taking drugs?
Just in the same way car crash deaths can (should?) be avoided by not driving..? ;):p It's all about being responsible IMHO, not about not doing something because it can be dangerous when it's done wrongly...

But back on topic, I don't think I drink 2 litres a day. I rekon it's more like 1 to 1.5, and thats including beer :S Can't be good - maybe I should drink more water!
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