Driven over wet tarmac - who is at fault here?

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Your girlfriend's a plum. Cone blocking the drive and never thought there could be a reason so decided to drive round it? Stump up the cash to get it cleaned or there will more than likely be bad press.
That the council have had a call, come back and rushed to add many more signs and told the client their policy is to place multiple signs facing each way and they didn't, they are/were worried about liability.

I'd say the girlfriend and council share fault, improper signing clearly against their own policy, but that there was a cone at all should have been a dead giveaway to your girlfriend.

Had the one cone just been in front of the very next drive down the road, it would be 100% on the council.

One of the bigger issues is, ****'s buy(or nick) their own cones then decide to mark off road for their own cars or friends to park. So unless there are lots of cones and lots of proper signs it is fairly easy to believe it's just a random cone some local who thinks he owns the entire road put out.

Either way, council didn't follow their own signing policy, I would pay to get it cleaned and seek reimbursement from the council, if you want to 'do the right thing', you could offer to share liability and share the clean up costs because she is partially at fault but I would think if the council haven't followed their guidelines they'd cave pretty easily on reimbursing her.
Clearly in the wrong. There's signage all up the street... Even if the one outside the house was turned, there's no way you'd miss the other 6+ unless you were clinically blind :p
Clearly in the wrong. There's signage all up the street... Even if the one outside the house was turned, there's no way you'd miss the other 6+ unless you were clinically blind :p

They were added later according to OP.

Yeah, those things that are used to guide and redirect traffic away from other things?

Helps if you follow them.

Thanks for the advice I'll remember next time I get behind the wheel
Which she very much had to actively avoid to access the drive.

At the end of the day while you may be able to moan enough to the council pulling rules and regs out of your backside to get them to back down and pay up it would be nice if people just accepted the consequences of their actions sometimes rather than thinking "Oooh who can I blame for this one!?"
Which she very much had to actively avoid to access the drive.

At the end of the day while you may be able to moan enough to the council pulling rules and regs out of your backside to get them to back down and pay up it would be nice if people just accepted the consequences of their actions sometimes rather than thinking "Oooh who can I blame for this one!?"

Consequences of actions such as not bothering to put all your signage out until you get a rocket shot up your ass by your boss because someone just drove through your poorly signed workplace? :p
Which she very much had to actively avoid to access the drive.

At the end of the day while you may be able to moan enough to the council pulling rules and regs out of your backside to get them to back down and pay up it would be nice if people just accepted the consequences of their actions sometimes rather than thinking "Oooh who can I blame for this one!?"

Yep, its one of those "ahh **** I'm a tool" moments.

Hands held up admit your mistake, go beg the workers to fix the tarmac before it sets and then loook for a cleaning company phone the client explaining what happened and that you're happy to arange/pay for cleaning of thier srive and youve brivlbed the council lads to fix the tarmac portion

....or drive off and compalin later when its unfoxable
It's like when folk kick the wet floor signs out the way in the supermarket. Then complain when they slip.
So according to the OPs picture... What does the sign say?

Just out of interest, do you like playing devils advocate or you honestly believe that this is mostly the councils fault?

I mean, whether she could read the sign or not, she had to go out of her way and improperly drive over the grass and high curb to avoid it, so it was quite clearly seen.
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