Driven over wet tarmac - who is at fault here?

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One thing to say you cant notice the sign but she had to avoid it meaning she at least noticed there was a traffic cone obstructing the hazard.

Regardless of whether it is regulation or not, the just outcome would be that she sort out the damages and the council launch an investigation into lack of signs if there are any. OP was not there afaik so his story is a version told by the gf. The pictures also fail to illustrate if there are any yellow pavement signs due to the facing of the shot. I doubt those pictures would go far.

People feel that if they can get away with it and it is legal, they deserve the outcome. This mentality has created this self entitled, compensation culture we see today. You cannot say that OP gf is at no fault at all, the how deep her pockets are compared to the councils does not come into it as far as placing blame is concerned.
Sometimes in life you make that make one massive **** up and wonder how the hell you managed to do that, I think this is one of those. I would offer to pay to clean the client's drive and then hopefully take it up with the council to see if they might contribute towards the cost, I do think it's the GF's fault though. Clearly a cone in the way with a sign on and her thought is not, get and look what it says but completely ignore and just drive round it.
I'm pretty sure those blocks can't be turned over, plus it'll be a miracle if they can be cleaned. Saying that new blocks won't blend in, leaving a whole new drive to be laid costing £££££ looking at the size of the drive.
Please explain why she couldn't have stopped on that clearly quiet residential street to read the sign? Go on. It'll be fantastic to read.
I would bet council won't pay up, cone driven around. Always worth a letter or two just don't expect to get anywhere.
Also rather than making a mess, why not just phone client explain situation, appologise and just not walk there dog for one day.
As this is the council we are discussing, there could be no cone, they wont accept any wrong doing until you start legal proceedings, so if you are hoping to get the council to admit liability, but aren't prepared to take them to court, you're wasting your time. Good luck though, its one of those annoying situations!
As this is the council we are discussing, there could be no cone, they wont accept any wrong doing until you start legal proceedings, so if you are hoping to get the council to admit liability, but aren't prepared to take them to court, you're wasting your time. Good luck though, its one of those annoying situations!

But there was a cone. The photos clearly show the cone in front of the drive with a sign on it...

She avoided a cone that was identical to the other 10 up the road that said wet tar, it's her fault.

I think you missed the bit where there was only 1 cone, after complaining about it the council put out more an hour later.

But tbh a cone is fairly obvious and even my Mrs would have looked (hopefully) :D
My girlfriend immediately called the client to inform her of the situation. The client noted what had happened and my girlfriend left to walk the dog. She came back an hour later after dropping the dog at a friend of the clients and the workers had placed a lot more signs down:

Then I saw that picture and had a good laugh.:D
I think you missed the bit where there was only 1 cone, after complaining about it the council put out more an hour later.

But tbh a cone is fairly obvious and even my Mrs would have looked (hopefully) :D
Oh there's a cone infront of this drive, let's drive over the grass anyway. It doesn't matter if there's one cone or 10 tbh, yes there could be better signage if there is one cone but seriously does nobody wonder why a cone is infront of some really black looking tarmac? No let's just drive round...
Oh there's a cone infront of this drive, let's drive over the grass anyway. It doesn't matter if there's one cone or 10 tbh, yes there could be better signage if there is one cone but seriously does nobody wonder why a cone is infront of some really black looking tarmac? No let's just drive round...

I agree, common sense would have most people think WHY is there a cone here in the middle of the dropped curb, but in this case common sense failed.
GF completely at fault - see last photo with signs all the way down the road and a cone right in the middle of the dropped kerb.

Should have stopped right there and walked / hoped around to pickup the dogs and leave.

It has already been stated multiple times that the load of signs weren't placed until after it happened.

Still the drivers fault though but in fairness, I'm sure the client would've known about the work happening and could've just gave a quick heads up.
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