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Driver Has Stopped Responding - Nvidia Driver Crashes

To those saying it's due to system instability or overclocking this is rubbish ( Even though I tried downclocking/stock ). This is clearly a widespread issue as Nvidia wouldn't come forward asking for everyones reports, you can see for yourself also that this isn't isolated to one persons computer, it's happening to lots of people.

There is a serious issue with the drivers of 353 and upwards, previous ones are perfect

None at all with the latest.
I run my TX at stock with no PX running or GPUZ and i dont have afterburner installed.
Had a couple of driver resets on the last drivers but only when GPUz was running.

Here's another point, many of the people complaining are using EVGA Precision and MSI Afterburner while in Chrome/Firefox. Driver -> MSI clash perhaps?
Hmmm interesting!

I can trigger it with EVGA Precision 4.2.1 when the polling time is set to < 4000ms. 4000ms sensor poll is pretty stable, I've had the odd TDR, but maybe 3 or 4 in the last week max. 3000ms gives TDR's pretty frequently. GPU is GTX780, reference model standard reference clocks. OS is Windows 7 SP1.
Here's another point, many of the people complaining are using EVGA Precision and MSI Afterburner while in Chrome/Firefox. Driver -> MSI clash perhaps?

Do you use MSI or EVGA Precision or any form of graphical monitoring?

I am using 347.52 and have had a few problems with Driver Stopped Working type crashes when playing BF4 only over the last week though and not that frequently to be honest.

CPU is overclocked slightly, GPU, (Ref 980), is not overclocked, (I keep looking at it but then chicken out :D), but I do have afterburner running when gaming to monitor temps on a 2nd monitor.

I also have Firefox running with multiple tabs open on the 2nd monitor.

Only just noticed that I have a notification on GeForce Experience telling me to update to 353.06 I think I will ignore it for now :cool:
This is what happens when you rush out drivers :p... But hold on isn't Nvidia's driver supposed to be perfect?

I would rather wait a little long for a driver then after put up with driver crashing..
Maybe Nvidia's driver team is so big that bugs get passed unnoticed?


/joking aside it shouldn't take long to get this fixed.
Couldn't resist having a bash could you shanks :D

I'd rather just roll back to 350.12 on my nVidia card than take one of my cards out so freesync can work, or continue to wait over half a year for a profile for games like Elite.

Your choice though :)
Yea sucks that theres no profile for elite yet. Tho on a single card runs flawlessley. Running 1440p maxed out and runs capped at 60fps with occasional dip below. Well happy. Yea i guess Nvidia will fix these drivers soon enough dont forget they will be working hard on dx12 drivers and such atm.
Couldn't resist having a bash could you shanks :D

I'd rather just roll back to 350.12 on my nVidia card than take one of my cards out so freesync can work, or continue to wait over half a year for a profile for games like Elite.

Your choice though :)

I admit I couldn't but after all the bash we have had over drivers... Perfect nvidia drivers having issues is unheard of before this, don't come around that much..

Why did you take out a gpu to get Freesync working? Just disable crossfire.
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I admit I couldn't but after all the bash we have had over drivers... Perfect nvidia drivers having issues is unheard if before this don't come around that much..

Why did you take out a gpu to get Freesync working? Just disable crossfire.

295x2 users can't disable CF.

I wasn't talking about me though, haven't you sold one of your cards basically because you weren't able to use it with freesync?
I hear a lot of good things for Elite dangerous.. im tempted myself... should it?!?? how demanding is that title btw?

Not very I reckon youll easily max 1440p and probs play 4k with ease tbh.
Though it has a steep learning curve, it will take a while to get used to controls and figure out what is what before you start adventuring out the in big open space. Id watch a few vids on YouTube and see if its to your liking as a lot of people get bored with the game quick because they feel there is not enough content just grinding. But you can emerse your self in so much more if you find it such as bounty hunting, trading, mining, pirating. Becomming part of a faction and take over a galaxy and regain controll for your faction. Also frontier are continually developing for it with the new content powerplay being added right now.
Well you said you couldn't wait for crossfire freesync a few weeks back, seem to have changed your tune since then. Maybe because AMD are taking the ****?

I haven't changed anything still can't wait for crossfire Freesync.. But atm that isn't important to me.. Am in the process of saving up for upgrading so I'll be going single 390x or something anyways. And crossfire that in the near future..

Least I can play my games without crashing :p
On a serious note, I had my little joke now let's just leave this here before we continue into pages of doom.
Well you said you didn't mind waiting for crossfire freesync as long as they got it right now you've went single card so can't of been that important to you. Me thinks you just got bored of waiting considering they originally said the driver for it would be out nearly 2 months ago.

nVidia users can play games without crashing as well, just spend 2 mins rolling back. People with 295x2's can't use another driver for crossfire freesync though :(

I'm happy to leave it at that if you are :)
Well you said you didn't mind waiting for crossfire freesync as long as they got it right now you've went single card so can't of been that important to you. Me thinks you just got bored of waiting considering they originally said the driver for it would be out nearly 2 months ago.

nVidia users can play games without crashing as well, just spend 2 mins rolling back. People with 295x2's can't use another driver for crossfire freesync though :(

I'm happy to leave it at that if you are :)

I haven't gone single GPU lol still running crossfire.. Only disable and run Freesync on csgo.
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