Driving Laws!

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The government dont need to limit the engine capacity young drives can drive, insurance companys are doing that all on their own!! Some young lads i work with are paying more per month than my mortgage is to insure a 1.4 focus, i'm a few quid under £300 fully C for my group 16 (according to morethan) Civic. Oh lol, thats anually not monthly! although a 17yo would probably be that monthly for the same car.
Am I the only one thinking this will result in highly tuned 200 bph twin turbo 1.2 l cars ?
ridiculous imo, the 1.2 l rule, least I'm living in a normall country, the age here will be lowered from 18 to 17 :).
Am I the only one thinking this will result in highly tuned 200 bph twin turbo 1.2 l cars ?
ridiculous imo, the 1.2 l rule, least I'm living in a normall country, the age here will be lowered from 18 to 17 :).

Oh wait, and there's more!

You couldn't make this up :D
Well if you have a licence at the moment thats fine.

If you want to know whats really being considered read this http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200607/cmselect/cmtran/355/355i.pdf

It covers everything you need to know.


Learn at 17, Test at 18.

Minimum number of hours of professional tuition between 10 - 100. Most likley 40 or a multiple of 2 hours for each year of age I reackon.

Curfews and unaccompained driving along with restrictions on types/power of cars are unlikely. Law enforcement issues cover curfews and the insurance industry generally sorts the performance issues.

Hope that helps.

From what I can gather from talking with Rosemary Thew head of the DSA and Trevor Wedge the Chief DSA Driving examiner earlier this year in Dunblane, its when they make the changes, not if. Or to quote the report, 'doing nothing is not an option'.
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Minimum number of hours of professional tuition between 10 - 100. Most likley 40 or a multiple of 2 hours for each year of age I reackon.

If a learner is at level whereby it is deemed to he is ready for, and will likely pass his test, what difference does the amount of profession tuition he has received up until this point make?
If a learner is at level whereby it is deemed to he is ready for, and will likely pass his test, what difference does the amount of profession tuition he has received up until this point make?

Ready for test in who's opinon? There's? or an ADI?

Did you read the report? They explain there reasoning in there. For one individualt it might not make mich difference but for the group they are targetting lessons spreadout over a year in different conditions etc might just keep them alive. Its all about experiance etc.
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