DS or PSP, help me choose! :)

Agr3sive said:
I very much doubt it as there would be no-where to store the data, unless they made some sort of media that could fit into a gba slot.

That is very possible... Remember, the second slot was intended for 'expansion purposes' and not just GBA games.
tbh if i where you, going from the style of games you like, and you dont want any of the media capabilities, i would probably say the ds. I have a PSP and used to have a ds, and might even buy another ds again at some point.
But for you it comes down to what games you want. so check tunneys post
But just a suggestion, if u can handle the flight out without one, just get one when you are there.
Check the prices on the web for walmart, k-mart and best buy and see how much you could save if you waited till you got there mate.
if u can handle the flight out without one, just get one when you are there.
Check the prices on the web for walmart, k-mart and best buy and see how much you could save if you waited till you got there mate.

You can probably get one VAT free from th eairport on the way out. I did that with a digital video camera on the way to new york and saved a couple of hundred quid from dixons at manchester airport
Sagalout said:
You can probably get one VAT free from th eairport on the way out. I did that with a digital video camera on the way to new york and saved a couple of hundred quid from dixons at manchester airport

hmmm.... not sure if i would do that. i dont want to get one from america as that would involve getting UK chargers etc. and i dont want to go to the airport, find out i cant get one and then be without one for the trip. but i think i will definetly be going for the DS.
I've barely used my PSP for the last 2 months or so. Its alright, but there's a distinct lack of interesting games. Most of the games for it are racing games.
marcus25 said:
another question. how does that work? do the DS' come with wifi transmitters and recievers? or do you need to use it with say a home wifi internet setup?

It can connect to other DS's round about or by using a WiFi adapter/setup on your PC
NOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A DS can connect to another DS with no other hardware needed as long as you're only about 30ft away from each other (or something) and you have a wi-fi capable game like Yoshi Touch and Go, Mario Kart etc...
To play online over 'tinternet you either need a wireless network or get a Wi-Fi dongle for your PC.
Games are limited for the psp at the mo but it doesnt detract from the fact that it is an awesome bit of kit, The DS, although technically inferior has a much better catalogue of games and the playability on them is insane.

my mother, sister and girlfriend love using it, and i love it too. its a great hand held :)
Agr3sive said:
I very much doubt it as there would be no-where to store the data, unless they made some sort of media that could fit into a gba slot.

Tony hawks can have downloadable content so you are wrong. If nintendo put rewriteable memory in the Mario Kart cart then it could very easily be updated via WiFi.
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