DS or PSP, help me choose! :)

Insert sarcastic comment ..."HERE"... about getting a handheld to play games on and not just admire the screen :)

The screen on the PSP is impressive though, but I personally look for a little more than that when chosing the system that has the most fun and playable games.
best bet for you it sounds mate is the DS, i went for the psp as its got more grown up games imho, such as gta and the racing games like ridge racer etc. dont get me wrong i do enjoy sonics and mario games but i felt the psp was the btter choice for me, and i love the size of the screen too for video playback and the fact you can store music and video's on the memory card in the psp itself.
Moonpie2 said:
Insert sarcastic comment ..."HERE"... about getting a handheld to play games on and not just admire the screen :)

insert sarcastic comment here on how many AAA games there are for the DS. and when u consider the DS is about to lose its 2nd hand value with the refreshed release... well.. ill let u do the math
Lets see.

Mario Kart
Advance Wars
Kirby's canvas curse
Sonic Rush

Lets take a look at some of the PSP's top games...
Think of any PS2 game, make a worse version, and then stick it on a PSP and you're about there !!

Sorry NickG, I'm not having a go at you. Its just a fun way of saying that almost all PSP games are available on the PS2 as a better version.
The DS has more games that can't be done on any other console due to twin screens, microphone and touch screen functionality.
I'm with you that the PSP is technically superior, but better technology means nothing when compared against gameplay.

So Marcus25. Made your mind up ??
You make a quality DS games list, and then you go and ruin it by putting Nintendogs on there? Honestly. :p

It's a fun little game certainly, and it's a great demonstration of what the DS can do, but it gets repetitive and tiresome far too quickly. It doesn't deserve the rave reviews it got imo. I consider it the worst of all the DS games I own.
DS with Mario kart and Sonic Rush and Advance Wars and Warioware and Mario64 for the win. Still cheaper than a PSP :)

I have one, so maybe biased.

Also, if its a flight to Florida, there maybe at least 7 other people on there with a DS (Kids/parents) who im sure will gladly use the "download and play" function from Mario Kart to play off your ONE cartridge or maybe play hangman with Pictochat if your bored.


Tetris DS with online Wi-Fi support - Nuff said :)
Gimpymoo said:
DS with Mario kart and Sonic Rush and Advance Wars and Warioware and Mario64 for the win. Still cheaper than a PSP :)

I have one, so maybe biased.

Also, if its a flight to Florida, there maybe at least 7 other people on there with a DS (Kids/parents) who im sure will gladly use the "download and play" function from Mario Kart to play off your ONE cartridge or maybe play hangman with Pictochat if your bored.


Tetris DS with online Wi-Fi support - Nuff said :)

I don't think you are allowed to use the multiplayer function while on a flight :confused:

I'm sure it says something in the manual about it
Moonpie2 said:
So Marcus25. Made your mind up ??

yup, will definetly be the DS :D

will get it, may/june time.

do they do extra battery packs for the ds? dont want to get half way through the flight and run out of power, and revert to wordsearches and crosswords in cheap puzzle books!
I'm sure you can buy extra battery packs.
I've just not heard of it yet.... after all.... 12(ish) hours of power if you have the volume low, that's NUFF !!!!!!

Its a shame you've made your mind up already.
I was gonna make a joke about all PSP games being called "Blood Gangstas: Crib Money" or "Crack Hoes, Word up ya Momma 2K8" :)
Tunney said:
Here's a comparison of the games available for each console:

Nintendo DS
Sony PSP

Both have good games available for them and it all comes down to individual taste.

I am quite suprised at that, PSP has more games available

Oh and lumines if you like puzzle games... as for the PSP having a 5 hours battery life thats a load of rubbish. Managed to listen to 50 songs on it, watch 2 epsiodes of fawlty towers, play about 90mins of GTA multiplayer and watch sin city. Still has 15% battery...
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Boogle said:
I've barely used my PSP for the last 2 months or so. Its alright, but there's a distinct lack of interesting games. Most of the games for it are racing games.

Yeah its mostly driving/racing games, aint used mine for about 3 months now, getting rid of it when i get my ass into gear to do it. :)
Look carefully at what he said.
If all the games below Mario Kart are worse than Mario Kart, that still means they're amazing since Mario Kart is SUPER AMAZING !!!
Heheh !!
Raikiri said:
as for the PSP having a 5 hours battery life thats a load of rubbish. Managed to listen to 50 songs on it, watch 2 epsiodes of fawlty towers, play about 90mins of GTA multiplayer and watch sin city. Still has 15% battery...

I own a PSP and you are outright lying.
kreeeee said:
I own a PSP and you are outright lying.
I dunno, all that added up comes to approx 7.3 hours

2.9 Hours (50* 3.5 mins MP3s)
0.9 Hours (2 * 25 mins FT)
1.5 Hours (90 mins GTA)
2.0 Hours (Sin City)

Not sure about the 15% batt left afterwards but I'd say the above is possible. As mentioned above, there are ways to extend the battery life but they can't be discussed here.
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