That's pretty much all needed to get an idea of where you're at, currently.
I gather, then, you're going to try and cut some more weight and accelerate your current rate of loss through more activity, whilst keeping some muscle for when you're as trim as you want to be?
If so, you may want to stick to the same routine as the OP and alternate it with your cardio.
Diet-wise, I would peg yourself at somewhere around 1700-2000, depending on how hard you're working. You will be able to tell quite easily if you're eating too much (no weight loss) or too little (feel lexhausted no matter what you do.
You will notice a couple of things with the weights: your weight will stabilise initially as your body starts to flood the muscles being worked with extra blood and vasculature as they get used more. However, this is a good thing and will lead to faster weight loss overall.
What I would suggest is try the routine with a diet of around 2000kcal/day and see how that goes. If you're not losing as fast as you want, drop the calories by around 100kcal a week over three weeks and see how it goes (to around 1700kcal).
What sort of food are you eating at the moment? Are you simply calorie restricting (i.e. 1700kcal of whatever you want?) or are you actually doing it properly (i.e. balanced diet that fits your needs)?