Duvet's 'Trying to be not so lame' Log

oh ok; yeah I do them sporadically but I really need to get myself some sort of structure to this type of stuff.

For a minute I thought you meant pelvic floor exercises. Have you seen those dumbbells women can get for their pelvic floor?! :eek:
oh ok; yeah I do them sporadically but I really need to get myself some sort of structure to this type of stuff.

Structure is pretty important. :)

For a minute I thought you meant pelvic floor exercises. Have you seen those dumbbells women can get for their pelvic floor?! :eek:

I hadn't. But now I'm trying to resist the urge to google them at work...
just google pelvic floor dumbbell... obviously it doesn't bear that much resemblence to the dumbbells you see in the gym!

edit: actually 'kegel weights' brings up some more interesting results!
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Did some glute stuff tonight... No Ben wa balls involved.

A couple of sets of the following:
Lying abduction
Glute bridge
Bird dogs
Band seated abduction
X band walks
Couldn't train thursday or friday due to wife having to go into hospital and me having to be fulltime dad/house husband for a couple of days! Back on it today though.

bar x 12
40kg x 8
50kg x 8
60kg x 8
72.5kg x 8
plus 2.5kg from last week

Pec Dec
40kg x 14 (oops, forgot to stop at 12)
50kg x 12
60kg x 8

Inc DB
22kg x 8
24kg x 8
26kg x 5
plus 2kg from last week

BW x 8
10kg x 8
20kg x 6
20kg x 5

40kg x 12
45kg x 12
50kg x 10

EZ bar + 20kg x 12
EZ bar + 20kg x 9
EZ bar + 20kg x 8

Calf raises (smith)
80kg x 12, 12, 14

Not a bad session; minor improvements for the most part.
Some have catches on the back. I think Benny basically sat on the bench where you head would go and squat 'up' then go from there :p
"Squatting from the bench" club member checking in.

You have no excuses, nothing could possibly be more awkward than the setup I have to deal with!

Straight arm pulldown

1 arm cable row
45x8L, 6R
Move this earlier in the routine but it didn't make it any easier.

NG pulldown
70x7.8 :(

Machine row

BB row
These didn't feel too bad on the lower back today. Spent a bit of time stretching the hammies before hand and between sets, and practiced getting into a good position. When I'm confident I can progress on them without risk to my back I'll move them towards the front of the session.

BB curl
Couldn't be bothered to do a third set.

Hanging knee raise: 8,8,7
Overhead squat: 20kgx10
Didn't mobilise my hips prior to these so got a twinge in left hip. Ran out of time so only did the one set.

Front Squats
bar x 10
40kg x 8
50kg x 8
60xg x 5
40kg x 15

Those 15 reps wiped me out despite the low weight.

40kg x 10
50kg x 10
50kg x 10
50kg x 10

No back pain this time. Pretty ****ed by this point.

Seated leg curl
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 6

DB Split Squats
22kg x 8
22kg x 8
22kg x 6

No knee pain this time but totally ****ed by this point.

Not sure why but that workout totally ****ed me over, more so than I can previously recall. I got a massive headache half way through the session so didn't even do everything I wanted to.
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Got ass doms today.

DB shoulder press
14kg x 12
20kg x 8
24kg x 8
28kg x 3
24kg x 7

Lateral raises
8kg x 12
10kg x 12
12kg x 9

Rear delt raise
6kg x 12
8kg x 12
8kg x 11

Cable lateral
2.5kg x 12
3.75kg x 12
5kg x 12R, 10L

Prone Ys
4kg x 9, 8

Face pull
10kg x 12
15kg x 12
20kg x 12

Calf raises
80kg x 12
80kg x 12
60kg x 13

3 sets

Then some unscheduled BB curls: 20kg x 25

Sooooooooooo hot in the gym this morning. :mad: No really improvement from the last shoulder sesh.
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Bro, what happened at 28 :p
Looks like 24x8x3 would have been spot on.

I've been ramping as opposed to doing straight sets. I've previously got 26kg x 8 so increased to 28kg which is too heavy! Probably because I've gone from 18, 22, 26 to 20, 24, 28.

I think I'll do 20, 24, 26 next week.
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Yea, keep the volume down on the warm up sets, save it for the first top set. Then you can drop the weight down after and hit a few more reps.
Purely for egotistical reasons I want to increase my bench 1RM in six weeks for when I have a training meet with some mates.

Would any of the powerlifters care to help me tweak my bench routine for this purpose.

Last time we did this I got 90kg for 1 but as you can see from my log, I tend to do higher rep stuff, and am generally pretty weak!
You could do a 3 week block of 3x5 followed by 3 weeks 3x3. I did that for a while and managed to crank out a good bench PB at the end. Have a read of my log. Need to start lower than your 3RM and 5RM then increase it a little each week.
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