Duvet's 'Trying to be not so lame' Log


Straight arm pulldown
22.5kg x 12
25kg x 12
27.5kg x 12
Done with bar instead of rope

BB row
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 8
60kg x 7

NG pulldown
40kg x 8
50kg x 8
60kg x 8
75kg x 5

1 arm cable row
30kg x 8
35kg x 8
40kg x 8
45kg x 8L/7R

BB curl
EZ+20kg x 10
EZ+20kg x 8
EZ+20kg x 6

Pallof Press
12.5kg x 10
15kg x 10

Reverse crunch:
15, 14, 10

3 sets

Not bad; managed a bit more on BOR, pulldowns and cable row.
No, proper gym... except it's not a proper gym, but you know what I mean.

I do have a high/low pulley in my cellar, but it isn't particularly good. I had to chop the top off to fit it in!

I don't really enjoy training at home.
No, proper gym... except it's not a proper gym, but you know what I mean.

I do have a high/low pulley in my cellar, but it isn't particularly good. I had to chop the top off to fit it in!

I don't really enjoy training at home.

Fair play - I love training at home, but that's probably because I can make as much noise as I want with my bar, weights and overhead drops. :D
I would enjoy it if i had a decent set up and it was a bit more isolated from the family.

As it is, the ceiling is too low, ventilation is poor, and my son doesn't give me a minutes peace!
I train before mine get up...

When I train during the afternoon/evening, however, they both want to play 'snatch' and 'clean'.

Unfortunately for my gains, I'm all up for this! :D

Is your son in for some gains, too? Or does he need you to reset the XBox or whatever kids do nowadays?
He is interested in what I do. When I get in from work he says 'show me what exercises you do daddy', then that is usually followed up with him making up exercises and bouncing round the house like a mentalist!
Heh - that would suck! :D

The issue I find is using the gym first thing in the morning, as this can bring my kids out of bed early at 06:45am instead of the normal 07:30/8am...

Olympic lifting does impact upon some things. :)
7:30/8am would be considered a lie in round our house. We have to tell our son that 6am is to early to get up!

I remember having similar conversations with my daughter... my son is great - he just isn't bothered unless he hears something fun happening...
We took our son to a gymnastics class to see if he was interested. He was keen but there weren't any spaces available in the class, and the coach never got back to us.

Maybe we'll get him doing the olympic lifts instead!

Couldnt get on anything in the order i want to to.

Seated leg curl
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 8

DB Split Squats
22kg x 8
22kg x 8
22kg x 10
Piece of **** when you've not squatted beforehand! :)

Leg press
130kg x 10
150kg x 10
170kg x 8
Then my right knee started hurting so I sacked it off. :(

Front Squats
bar x 10
40kg x 8
50kg x 8
60xg x 7
40kg x 10
Another extra rep at 60 but I'm not sure how I'm going to increase the weight unless I spend some time practicing power cleans. I struggle cleaning the weight into position.

40kg x 10
50kg x 6
I sometimes get pain in the first knuckle of my right little finger which means I can grip the bar so had to stop. :(

I've been practising some of the techniques in Supple leopard and try to spend a lot of time activating my glutes and bracing my core throughout the day. I felt it made a difference on the squats today.

Will do some ab work tonight.
I've got some, but haven't needed them recently with dropping back down to low weight. The finger pain was a bit out of the blue today.
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