DX11.1 not coming to Win 7

People are getting too hung up on the Windows life cycle.

Microsoft want to go back to bringing out a new Windows every 2 years. The time between 2000, XP and Vista is unusual compared to the rest of the Windows releases.
"I don't like" and "They've made a huge mistake that's going to cost them" aren't the same thing. :confused:

If you REALLY can't believe what they've done with Windows 8, I don't believe you've really used or know much about it.

They've replaced the start menu with a start screen, big deal, get over it.

Beneath the big scary evil start screen that people are seemingly struggling to use, is a classic yet advanced Windows that runs faster and has quite a few nice tweaks over 7.

Get over it and stop whinging about it.
and the winner of post of the week goes to spoffle.! Well put!

It's amasing just how many supposedly technical people are confused and hung up on something so simple. W8 is in good company, there was the same howls of derision when Windows XP came out with the Luna UI with a significant vocal minority deriding the new UI as "fisher price" and dumbed down. It took a while and a lot of people insisted on using the classic UI to make XP look like windows 98 but it ended pretty well eventually.

Some people genuinely won't like the new look, some don't like to change the way they've been doing things for years and that's fine. W7 is a fine OS and if it does what you want then stick with it.

As I've said in other threads though, if you fancy a change then give 8 a proper try, don't try and make it back into 7 and do it with an open mind. If you approach it from "omg metro is the debil for touch only" you'll not have a great experience. Take time to customise it, remove the apps you don't want (the MS are pretty basic starter apps in a lot of cases so non tech savvy users have at least somewhere to start), keep in mind the store isn't compulsory and is only a couple of weeks past release so is light on apps still.

At the end of the day it's an OS, it's there to let you run apps and games, if you spend all your time tinkering with the OS you're doing it wrong ;)
Microsoft are on cold hard knees. painful, I cant believe what they've done to the PC with Windows 8.
They made a bad mistake, and Bob, thats going to cost

No they haven't, the mistake would have been doing w7.1
They were losing marketshare hand over fist. Companies where changing ecosystems and there's little point using multiple systems for the sake off it.
What ever you think of w8, it's clear they made the right choice for th long term.

It's amasing just how many supposedly technical people are confused and hung up on something so simple. W8 is in good company, there was the same howls of derision when Windows XP came out with the Luna UI with a significant vocal minority deriding the new UI as "fisher price" and dumbed down. It took a while and a lot of people insisted on using the classic UI to make XP look like windows 98 but it ended pretty well eventually.

Technical people are scared of change, that's nothing new, loads of IT departments struggle due to such IT people who refuse to change with time, despite new products helping the company.
Yet totally non technical people like my parents have had no issue with it and after a 20min guide of me showing it to them, can do far more on it than they ever felt comfortable doing on win7.
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Yet totally non technical people like my parents have had no issue with it and after a 20min guide of me showing it to them, can do far more on it than they ever felt comfatanle doing on win7.
yeah. as I said in the other thread, I let my mum use my laptop which as win8 on it, she's no techy and has no idea how to use computers but once she turned on the laptop and metro start screen came up she was navigating it so easily without any help.

on win7 she'd always ask me how to open xxxxx or where this, whats that

win8 outselling win7 in the first 4days. so how have they made a bad mistake

The main reason for that being WIn8 can be bought for less than the cost of a PC or console game.

When Win7 came out this was not the case apart from the limited pre-order deal at £45 or whatever it was then prices going back up to £120 for Win7 pro.
The main reason for that being WIn8 can be bought for less than the cost of a PC or console game.

When Win7 came out this was not the case apart from the limited pre-order deal at £45 or whatever it was then prices going back up to £120 for Win7 pro.

Same for win8 its only an introduction offer.
It's a ploy to line MS pockets, next year when DX12 appears, we will be forced to upgrade to Windows 9, just to get all the benefits it will offer.:D
Doubt you'll ever be able to the tell the difference between DX 11 and DX 11.1 anyway.

I for one won't be upgrading to W8, perfectly happy with W7.
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The main reason for that being WIn8 can be bought for less than the cost of a PC or console game.

When Win7 came out this was not the case apart from the limited pre-order deal at £45 or whatever it was then prices going back up to £120 for Win7 pro.

Well, the £45 Windows 7 deal was for a full retail copy - this time around, although it's cheaper, it is only an upgrade so I'd say the perceived value being similar (if anything, the Windows 7 offer was a better deal)

Considering the amount of "I would not use Windows 8 if they paid me" and "I hope it flops so hard they abandon Metro and go back to the desktop" posts we've had over the last year you'd have thought the initial numbers would be significantly lower than they actually are.
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