DX11.1 not coming to Win 7

Considering the amount of "I would not use Windows 8 if they paid me" and "I hope it flops so hard they abandon Metro and go back to the desktop" posts we've had over the last year you'd have thought the initial numbers would be significantly lower than they actually are.
yeah if win8/metro was that bad as people are saying, how the hell it outselling win7 in the first 4days and why would people still buy it.....
yeah if win8/metro was that bad as people are saying, how the hell it outselling win7 in the first 4days and why would people still buy it.....

Because it is on every new PC for a start? And is new? I would be shocked if it didn't outsell an older version at launch.
Because it is on every new PC for a start? And is new? I would be shocked if it didn't outsell an older version at launch.
not every new PC

yes it's new but MS offered a free preview, if people didn't like it, u shouldn't of bought/upgrade to it


and the win8 outselling win7 in the first 4days was for upgrade licenses not including oem licenses
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By the time developers start thinking about using DX11.1 people will have naturally migrated to Windows 8/9.

Which will likely be never. They've already held back game development and fragmented the market with the Vista debacle. Their making sure its going to be even worse now. I guess there making sure the consoles(xbox) or linux will be at the frontiers.
This is more of a principle than an 'oh no! im losing out on valuable features' case for me; XP went from 8.1 to 9.0c though god knows how many iterations, Vista got a bump from 10 to 11, so please excuse me if I think its a poor effort that win 7 cant even get an extra .1

This may be a moot point, but its a similar story with internet explorer and MS dragging their heels over IE10 on 7
I think people should probably expect to see Microsoft doing this more often. Adding features to older operating systems (which is what Windows 7 is now like it or not) isnt going to encourage people to upgrade.

Still, it could be worse, you could be using OSX.
I think people should probably expect to see Microsoft doing this more often. Adding features to older operating systems (which is what Windows 7 is now like it or not) isnt going to encourage people to upgrade.

Still, it could be worse, you could be using OSX.

That's the thing they think they are encouraging people to upgrade but instead it does the complete opposite. Then they end up with a fragmented market and end up competing with themselves
It's easy enough to see why people would get annoyed, with Windows 7 still being very widely used and being a very modern OS, but I don't really think it will affect us much to be honest. Know any games that will use DX11.1 and refuse to run on DX11? No. Not from any developer who wants to remain in business.

Personally I'm just going to let Windows 8 sail over my head. I have a license waiting to be used, but as it crashes constantly on my laptop I'm afraid it's not going to see much use. Windows 7 does all I want it to anyway on both my PC and Laptop, so even with a 0.1 increase in DirectX I'm just thinking "meh."

I love the speed and I don't actually mind METRO all that much (though I wish the Desktop mode still had the old Start Menu as well as an option), but if the stupid thing doesn't want to run, I'm not all that bothered about upgrading.
Valve is beta testing Ubuntu for their games...it can't come quick enough...bye windows :)

I hope it works out for gamers because there is little point paying for Windows if it's just a glorified game launcher, even if it is cheap.

I think though after the initial honeymoon period a large proportion will just go back to Windows.
MS making OS so crap now they have to use cheap tricks to get people to upgrade. Reducing the price, not supplying dx upgrade what next... lol

Instead of making fancy block interfaces they should focus on improving the sound, printing, graphic, security and so on. Sound and printing has been nothing but problematic since windows xp in my experience and windows 8 does not look much better.


It's better than Apple who fleece their OSX users regularly for what are essentially minor service packs.

Sound, printing, graphics, security are all second to none on Windows. You need to gain some perspective by looking at the alternatives then you will see how far ahead Windows is.
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