Dying Light - PC next gen zombie open world game?

Only player about an hour or so just now, but absolutely loving it. Just finished the prologue and have made it back to the tower. Haven't had a chance to get freaked out at night time yet :).. Damn, why do I have to work.. A couple of pics, put my FOV right up..



Well it certainly looks the part.

Any bugs, glitches etc? How does it run and what spec machine have you got?

With everything up full, on 1080p using Nvidia setting I get anything between 50 - 80 fps.
i5 @4.4
G1 970 no OC.
16gig 1800Ram.
Installed on a SSD.

So far haven't found any glitched/bugs but I am sure there will be a few. Have to say the free running even on the first level is well designed, when you get it right, you can free run for ages, everything is very fluent..
Couple of things found on gaf:

* Intro movies can be disabled by renaming/removing them, they are .bik videos
* Ingame cutscenes are skippable
* FOV can be changed ingame

Couple of negatives:

* Weapons break after lots of use and need repairing :(
* You run out of stamina when fighting so the screen darkens and you cannot swing your weapon as quickly, very annoying :(
* Very little object physics, everything is static :(

* Video settings file found in my docs can be opened with notepad and contains the following:

!Monitor(i) // -1 primary monitor
!TextureQuality(s) // Low, Medium, High
!Shadows(s) // Low, High
!VSync() // enable vertical sync
!GrassQuality(i) // lower is better
!NvidiaEffects(i,i) // enable extra nvidia effects(hbao+,dof)
!ExtraGameFov(f) // extra fov
!OculusEnabled() // enable support for Oculus
!AmbientOcclusion(i) // 1 - enable; 0 - disable
!MotionBlur(i) // 1 - enable; 0 - disable
!AntiAliasing(i) // 1 - enable; 0 - disable
VisRange(8.26, 8.26)
NvidiaEffects(1, 1)
People complaining the game initially running smooth but then it starts to stutter. Example, starting at 80fps but then getting to the tower and it's 30fps by that time. Looks like the VRAM reqs were true and lowering settings to release some more VRAM helps.

By all accounts, people on reddit are reporting it's a generic console port and not a polished PC AAA title. The sys reqs do not go inline with how it performs and looks it seems, and backs up initial thoughts on questionable "no embargo but hey, no review copies either until release day" shenanigans.
Okay, I have kind of succumbed and am going to get this. However, anyone know if I would be better to get this on PS4 or PC?

i5 3570k @4ghz
Asus 7950
8gb ram

Just worried as to how it will run on my PC. Looking at a lot of reviews, twitch, youtube etc they all seem to have 970's or similar, not sure how my GPU will hold up. Cheers.
People complaining the game initially running smooth but then it starts to stutter. Example, starting at 80fps but then getting to the tower and it's 30fps by that time. Looks like the VRAM reqs were true and lowering settings to release some more VRAM helps.

By all accounts, people on reddit are reporting it's a generic console port and not a polished PC AAA title. The sys reqs do not go inline with how it performs and looks it seems, and backs up initial thoughts on questionable "no embargo but hey, no review copies either until release day" shenanigans.

Probably 970 users. Zzzzzzzing! :D

is all of that large city in the first screenshot further up the page all explorable? :eek: tempted to buy this! :) even if it is a generic zombie killing game.
is all of that large city in the first screenshot further up the page all explorable? :eek: tempted to buy this! :) even if it is a generic zombie killing game.

I dont know exactly, but from that first screenie, you cant go as far as the distant city/buildings. The map is quite large but smaller than say GTA 4 or 5. There is a vid on youtube, a PS4 vid where they run from one end of the map to the other to show the size.
Yes, very pretty and much fun. Me likey. Seems to run sweet on my system but as I'm not anal about fps can't tell you that. Looks smooth and fast. That's what matters
Played three hours, enjoying it so far.

Zombies are pretty dopey, although I did have a small group of 4 or 5 sprinting after me... I climbed up onto a roof and thought I was safe, then cacked myself when I saw all them climbing up to get me... must have been specials or something, pretty intesnse anyway. Night-time is pretty creepy, although I've only done it once. Seems like there are lots and lots of side missions to do and camps to unlock etc. Co-op should be fun too.

Runs very nicely for me... maxed-out on everything and I'm getting anything between 60 and 100+ fps with my i5-4690k and a GTX 970 @ 1920x1080.
where is cheapest to buy this currently? CJS has the euro version for 30.99

only 26 if you buy the RU version but i thought steam were trying to stop you using VPN to activate
where is cheapest to buy this currently? CJS has the euro version for 30.99

only 26 if you buy the RU version but i thought steam were trying to stop you using VPN to activate

It's £32 from greenmangaming with their discount code 20PERO-FFDIGI-GAMESX
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