Dyslexia = middle class word for Stupid?

25 Nov 2004
Manchester Uk
Hen_Dawg said:
There seems to be a level of ignorance here with people thinking dyslexia equates solely to bad spelling

Thats not really a shock, if you don't suffere from a condition and you don't work helping people with it, then you are likely to have a level of ignorance about it. Telling someone that you get sequences confused, generally doesn't sink in, partly because the media have used the spelling and word order issue as an example repeately.
27 Sep 2004
Wow. Just wow at a few of these comments, some of you have opened my eyes to how ignorant you are.

As someone who is unfortunate to have it running in one side of the family I too suffer from it, however I have put great amounts of effort to improve the problems I suffer from (poor handwriting & spelling). I use a laptop to take large amounts of notes in lectures and I do neatness and speed handwriting tests in my own time to improve my handwriting ability.

Some people do milk it for what it's worth, these people are the one's that need to be looked down on.
8 Mar 2006
Birmingham o:
Well i can never spell words properly, i always do silly things like there instead of their even though i know the difference, i had to do hand writing practice for years and still i cant write neatly at any decent speed.

Would that mean im 'Dyslexic'?

Ive only ever thought of it as not everyones good at everything?

Some people are not very athletic should they be put into a group?

Some people cant draw should they be grouped too?

Maybe im ignorant but i cant see how its so massively different on the scale of different people with different abilitys.
25 Nov 2004
Manchester Uk
Ja (: said:
Well i can never spell words properly, i always do silly things like there instead of their even though i know the difference, i had to do hand writing practice for years and still i cant write neatly at any decent speed.

Would that mean im 'Dyslexic'?

No, that would mean you are lazy, because you know the difference. On bad days when younger I couldn't even spell 'If' and when the teacher said it starts with an 'I' I was unable to visualise it so I couldn't write it, it was just a sound. Totatally different world from mere bad spelling.
3 Dec 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Maybe this helps explain a few things
Dyslexia tends to run in families; it is known that there are several genes that contribute to a genetic risk of dyslexia. Brain scanning studies suggest that, in dyslexic people, the connections between different language areas of the brain do not work as efficiently as they should. However, these differences are not linked to intelligence, and there is evidence that many dyslexic people have strengths and abilities in tasks that involve creative and visually-based thinking.
Dyslexia is not the same as a problem with reading. Many dyslexic people learn to read, but have continuing difficulties with spelling, writing, memory and organisation. There are also people whose difficulties with reading are not caused by dyslexia. Dyslexia often causes problems in maths: many dyslexic people have difficulties with arithmetic and with learning and recalling number facts.
Source http://www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk/
21 Oct 2002
Not entirely connected, but i hope you get my meaning when i say this.

Has anybody else noticed, that you very rarely get stupid people saying that they are stupid?

But you will quite often find children and adults who lack application giving up at when some effort is required to solve a problem and simply declaring they cant do it because they are "stupid", when all they lack is self belief.

With stupid people, they quite happily blunder through life, ignoring everybody and everything that either contradicts them or offers them advice, they act without thinking about the consequences of their actions or simply dont understand that every action has a consequence.

I'm quite happy to admit to being not brightest guy in the world, I do however know my limitations and dont try to hide behind excuses.
29 Dec 2006
I think in order to qualify for a free laptop, extra time, internet connection paid for etc, you should be forced to goto special lessons every Saturday morning. Then we shall see who is actually dyslexic, and who is in it for a the freebies!
8 Mar 2006
Birmingham o:
branddaly said:
No, that would mean you are lazy, because you know the difference. On bad days when younger I couldn't even spell 'If' and when the teacher said it starts with an 'I' I was unable to visualise it so I couldn't write it, it was just a sound. Totatally different world from mere bad spelling.
I meant no offence i was mearly asking. And it wasnt just laziness I tried hard with hours of extra english work at home through junior school and in high school too. True enough im lazy now but not then.
25 Nov 2004
Manchester Uk
Ja (: said:
I meant no offence i was mearly asking. And it wasnt just laziness I tried hard with hours of extra english work at home through junior school and in high school too. True enough im lazy now but not then.

I should use smileys a bit more. Might show when I'm teasing slightly. :D
7 Dec 2003
M0KUJ1N said:
You do realise the term "spastic" is itself a legitimate medical condition, so do you mean he actually suffers from this or are you just implying that he is in fact just a tad thick.

Sorry I was using it in the derogative way for someone who struggles at everything physically demanding in life for no other reason than poor hand-eye coordination and genetically inherited bodily weakness. (Sorry all real spastics that you are mistakenly associated with him :p ).

He's not dyslexic either, he literally just has terrible handwriting. Oh, and don't get me wrong he's intelligent (Grammar School), it just irks me that for no real reason he gets a LARGE advantage in all exams. When it comes to English Literature A2's the ability to delete phrases and reword them and copy and paste passages to improve the structure of ones essay is really rather skewed.
5 Aug 2006
IMO Dyslexic is a word for being stupid at something. by no means does a person with dyslexia have to be stupid. Its just a special word for them being stupid at reading/writing/working wit numbers. Im sure theres a special word for me not being good at sport. But if you have dyslexia its just a disadvantage and you gotta deal with it. my old next door neighbour is a Dr of the biggest waste of time in the world (psychology) and went on and on about her dyslexic son and how he couldnt do well at school becuase of it, yet he was just plain stupid in all areas but maths (maths is supposed to be hard for dyslexic people isnt it??)

I think in the majority of cases dyslexia is an excuse for being **** at reading or an excuse for bad handwriting.
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Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
About 4 years ago when my youngest daughter was turning 14 she was forever being removed from class and we would receive letters because of it.
I'd never thought much of it when she would ask me to spell the simplest words and I'd get angry and tell her to work it out.
On this particular day 4 years ago she came home with another letter saying she'd been dismissed and for the first time I asked her what for?
Every time she was dismissed it was because she would ask a teacher how to spell something, the teacher would get angry making my daughter more angry and the teacher would always win.
I rang the school and said I think there might be a problem and they arranged for her to go and see an 'expert'.
It appeared she had a really bad case of dyslexia and all that needed to be done to help her was to tell the teachers to respond when she asked something without shouting at her.
Being dyslexic meant that if a piece of homework took the average student 1 hour to do then she took at least 3 times which meant during the age of 14 and 16 she didn't have much social life but she got on with it.
About 6 months before her exams I was gigging at a pub and an American bloke started to chat with me and we talked about family etc.
I told him about my daughters problem and he asked if we'd tried blue tinted specs - apperently in America a lot of dyslexics wear blue tints.
He said you could also try changing her black pen to blue and on the PC changing black lettering to blue.
She had permission to use blue pen and blue on her coursework and she got an A/A+ in everything she submitted and she started to have a social life.
She ended up getting 14 GCSE's and thats for a girl who is dyslexic - not bad.
When starting college they did more tests on her and they also said she has got it quite bad and she has been appointed scribes etc.

I honestly thought dyslexia was BS but when you see your flesh & blood suffering then you know it isn't.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
lay-z-boy said:
Changing from black to blue ink did that?! :confused::eek::eek:


I agree, that is insane and if it's popular in America, why isn't it even suggested to parents to try it.

it's def worth a try for other people.

Is it blue ink and blue glasses or does it just have to be one or the other?

If it's one or the other which works better?
9 Nov 2003
mglover070588 said:
IMO Dyslexic is a word for being stupid at something. by no means does a person with dyslexia have to be stupid. Its just a special word for them being stupid at reading/writing/working wit numbers. Im sure theres a special word for me not being good at sport. But if you have dyslexia its just a disadvantage and you gotta deal with it. my old next door neighbour is a Dr of the biggest waste of time in the world (psychology) and went on and on about her dyslexic son and how he couldnt do well at school becuase of it, yet he was just plain stupid in all areas but maths (maths is supposed to be hard for dyslexic people isnt it??)

I think in the majority of cases dyslexia is an excuse for being **** at reading or an excuse for bad handwriting.

Just becasue someone is dyslexic does not mean they are stupid, thats like me saying you are lazy cos you cant do sports even if you are not lazy! Dyslexia is not a special word for being stupid at all it has a true meaning and many people suffer form it. Just because a dyslexic person can not read or write and needs help when it comes to learning does not mean thay are stupid at all.
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