E3 2015 - The year the SJW's won?

25 Jul 2010
A house
Is it just me or are the big studio's pumping out pro female agendas?

Don't miss understand, i don't care who the main character is as long as it suits the game. But we seem to be having a overwhelming amount of anti misogynic rhetoric rammed down our throats.

Look at the ending of Assassins Creed Syndicate "Stop the oppression"

Can fad movements really have this much of an impact on a multi billion fortune industry?
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So let me get this straight......you aren't bothered who the main character in games is....but you are bothered because you think there are too many female characters appearing this year?

No, I'm bothered by the seemingly overarching feel this year about focusing on female development. Like we've never had this in the past.

We've had loads of female centric characters, but this year it just seems like they've gone all out for no other reason then to shut up Anita T***face.
Your one of those angry people aren't you?

Yay for progression as far as I'm concerned. We just had a major hollywood movie with a disabled female protagonist and nobody gave two fcuks..

I'm one of the people who believe that if the industry sees fit to make their based around a female, they will. But being pressured by retarded fad groups because "they feel" females are under represented and then force companies to comply through peer pressure is a joke.

People who support that are no better then the people bandwagoning on the front lines.

If you want to change the industry you don't do it through force, you do it through making great games that feature the ideologies that you want to put forward.
Until ~50% of games contain realistic portrayals of female characters, there's still progress to be made.

Equality isn't a fad movement.

If people write stories with a male protagonist in mind, they shouldn't be forced to comply to fad movements.

I fear we are entering an era where developers will be scared to write a male centric game without a female side option "just in case" the SJW's get their knickers in a twist.
lol 'force'.

Really? Are armies of feminists turning up armed at developer's offices?

The industry is just having a bit of an awakening moment where they realise that catering to a more diverse demographics is good for business.

I guess you don't read twitter much. That place has the power to change development cycles at will.
Females ARE under represented.

Are you actually joking? Please say you are. Because you haven't a single ****ing clue what your talking about.



are you married? Do you have a girlfriend? I'm sure she'd love to her your opinions on feminism being an ideology.

I'm married with 2 kids. My wife HATES modern day feminism. We are both pro traditional feminism.
For the entirety of gaming history, developers have been scared to write a female centric game without a male side option "just in case" the traditionally misogynist crowd get their testicles in a twist.

Oh really? Like Tomb Raider? Or Mirrors Edge?

2 great examples of strong female leads loved by the fans and gamers. You have no idea what your talking about.
And how many of those are accurate and realistic portrayals?

What do you expect from fiction? They write to fit their story, what do you expect as a realistic portrayal? Would you like us to have menstrual cycles every couple of hours in game, characters loose health because of "menstrual cramps"?

[Please define traditional feminism and modern feminism. It sounds like you're both idiots, offence intended.

Traditional feminism is equality between sexes.

Modern feminism is anti male.
And you are a traditional feminist right? So why are you getting upset? Females are definitely not over-represented in games. Surely the balance going some way towards equal representation would appeal to a traditional feminist like yourself.

Because you are insinuating that females are currently not represented and they are.

I think you and the other guy have an miss understanding of what fiction is. Fiction is a story written about WHAT EVER THE **** YOU WANT. And just because it doesn't include a black, white, Chinese, 3 boobed Martian women, doesn't mean you have the right to demand change. Just don't read it or play it.
No, he's saying they are under represented, which they definitely are.

How can you be under represented if the fiction didn't include a female to begin with?

If you want more females, write more female leads. Go make a game about menstrual cycles and transgenders. I hope its a great success, nothing is stopping you.

But don't go into a book club and complain they aren't reading the book you want.
Do you not see the massive hypocrisy in what you are saying?

"People do not have the right to demand change"

"I demand that games do not have more female representation"

No, because I'm not claiming games shouldn't have female representation.

If a piece of fiction doesn't have a female lead, they shouldn't be forced by fad movements to include one. Its that persons story and how they want to write it, if you don't like it don't read it or go make your own.
You really need to cite your sources. I'm interested to hear these cases where game writers have been told to scrub out male characters and replace them with females.

Of course games with female leads have to be about menstruation. You really are a traditional feminist :rolleyes:

There is the famous case of the Mighty Number 9, Mega Man spin off which was funded by kickstarter and destroyed by a feminazi because the main character was a man.
You seem to be suggesting that the genesis for most games are created by writers with a story to tell?

Clearly not the case.

I can count on two hands the amount of games that have had truly meaningful stories.

Stories are generally an afterthought.

From 25+ years of gaming, i can tell you that your very wrong.

A game starts with a story, otherwise you have nothing to draw upon for inspiration.
Mighty Number 9 has had a very successful kickstarter and is targeted for release on September 15th.

I must be missing something.


“I feel really bad for these people,” InternetAristocrat said. “They gave a lot of money, $3.8 million. All they wanted, the only thing they asked for, was a successor to Mega Man. They just wanted a game to play. Now it seems like somebody with an agenda, somebody with an idea they want to push, is now in a position where they can get in between that dream, that desire, of the community and its realization in the hands of the actual developer of it.”

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Yeah, I'm sure the geeks at id software sat around in the early 90's coming up with a story for Doom, and then decided to create a first person shooter around it....

No they probably didn't, but Valve did, Bioware did. Any story heavy game started with story.

Don't cherry pick to suit your narrative.
Did you read that whole article? So their community manager is a fan of more female representation in games.

Community Manager != Designer.

Now it seems like somebody with an agenda, somebody with an idea they want to push, is now in a position where they can get in between that dream, that desire, of the community and its realization in the hands of the actual developer of it.

That is a direct attack on that communities wishes, their desires and the developers dream. Just to have a feminazi push their agenda on the community and developer.
Your elucidation of gender issues in games is astonishing and enlightening, Herr Doktor. Loaded & FHM placed a call from 1995; they want you to become editor for life.

Almost like how FHM and Loaded where banned from shop shelves because they portrayed women negatively, yet the female mags can plaster nearly naked men and women at will with impunity.
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