Well, for starters....the lead character in Mighty Number 9 is a dude.
And after the feminist, there is a female lead:
Well, for starters....the lead character in Mighty Number 9 is a dude.
So how many times does that occur?
Also, I can't think of any good reason in those cases why the lead had to be explicitly male either, which to me would only support the gender being entirely interchangeable.
I wonder if it's these SJWs who are responsible for Mirrors Edge's Faith morphing from a very attractive and delicate looking Asian bird into something akin to a $5 Thai bar hooker of dubious sexuality?
Oh noes! There is a female among the cast of characters in the game, they must have bowed down to a feminist mob!
If a developer chose to add a female lead, it was intended for there to be a female lead. It isn't like she snuck her in while all the other developers were on lunch break.
It is a fact that they employed a community manager who thought a female character would be a good idea. The idea that a respected and experienced development team would bow down in fear and be forced into re-designing their game to appease a CM is a ridiculous fantasy, even before you consider that they sacked her. Obviously they really cared about her input![]()
Do you expect the Kickstarter to list every single character who is going to be in the game?
A community manager for Comcept, developer of Mighty Number 9, dared to suggest that a female playable character might be cool.
The 'SJW-haters' brigade somehow turned this into evidence of developers being forced to pander to feminazi hate mobs.
I didn't take that to mean that the game is ruined, but to mean that in terms of traditions, it's been "destroyed". He'll have to clarify.
Conversely, if Bioware created a peice of fiction about a murderer who raped women and you as the detective went out to find him. The villain is male and the lead is female, all the MJWs would start whining about how the story had been changed to pander to the feminists.![]()
I'm curious as to why you consider having female characters to be "hampering" fiction exactly?
My question is, why would the piece of fiction be hampered if it did include a female?
Developers are "intimidated" by people who don't like the ending of the game.
Developers are "intimidated" by people who want better graphics.
Developers are "intimidated" by people who want better performance.
Developers are "intimidated" by people who think class X is overpowered and should be nerfed.
Developers are "intimidated" by people who think class Y is underpowered and should be buffed.
Developers are "intimidated" by people who that the game is a buggy POS.
If appeasing the people doing the "intimidating" is going to reduce sales, then they'll probably wont try to "fix" it.
Obviously this may not be true in all cases - when the game is more of a "vision" to the developers, rather than a product, but in that case they're not going to pander to anyone's "intimidation" unless it coincides with their own direction.
So where are your threads complaining due to the changes made above?
I agree with this point completely, so I'm not really sure where you're coming from now?
I'm still struggling for examples of where a story (game or otherwise), has been ruined by changing a male character to a female half way through? (Unless you count Keeping up with the Kardashians?)
Well, evidently the feminist community does
Or do they not count in your MJW world?
In other words, you consider to be an example of 'equality' the situation in some countries in which the majority believe women should stay indoors to cook, clean and raise children and only go out fully covered. What if the majority is wrong, have you ever considered that possibility?
I'm now completely confused by the issue with Mighty No. 9. Call (the female character) was always planned to be a character in the game. Stretch goals were reached which allowed her to be a playable character in co-op and also have a single-player level, both of which make sense and fit in with the game.
Dana joined the team after this, suggested that Beck (the male character) could be female. Her views were dismissed, the game wasn't changed and she was booted from the team.
What's the issue here again?
And was sacked as a result.
Sometimes the wrong person is hired. Sometimes you don't know they are the wrong person until they are in the job. It doesn't just happen in the game industry, and the wrong person isn't always female.