Stupid!? Quick somebody DM me the number for that hotline, I'm being bullied!
Once upon a time it would be that you took your licks in school, but that doesn't happen much these days so the little ruffs go online to do it where yes, a simple block solves a lot. An entire charity set up to combat cyber 'bullying' is a farce and you know it, how about we do more to fight cancer or poverty instead of giving counselling to little Timmy because somebody told him he sucked at Overwatch. This is just creating issues where issues don't exist, and if somebody in your friend group is spreading rumours about you, that'll sort itself out if they are actually your friends.
The premise of crap like this is specifically internet bullying, which is an oxymoron if I've ever heard one. Don't worry though, jumping in to defend such a joke will make everyone realise what a good person you are, I'm sure there's still plenty of people who aren't aware of the virtuous saint we have in our midst, so carry on 'lad'.