***E3 2019***

You can't possibly be that stupid can you?

Regardless of what people think of EA, they are working with 3 charities that are about bullying, which is one of the most destructive things not only for young people but also for adults. Them donating a million to that 'cause' gives you a laugh?

Obviously the simple answer to being bullied in person, via text, via calls, via social media, having viscous rumours/lies spread around social media, around class mates, circles of friends is to block or mute them.

I have read some stuff on here but your post is probably the most embarrassing yet, give your head a wobble lad.
Well said.
Stupid!? Quick somebody DM me the number for that hotline, I'm being bullied!

Once upon a time it would be that you took your licks in school, but that doesn't happen much these days so the little ruffs go online to do it where yes, a simple block solves a lot. An entire charity set up to combat cyber 'bullying' is a farce and you know it, how about we do more to fight cancer or poverty instead of giving counselling to little Timmy because somebody told him he sucked at Overwatch. This is just creating issues where issues don't exist, and if somebody in your friend group is spreading rumours about you, that'll sort itself out if they are actually your friends.

The premise of crap like this is specifically internet bullying, which is an oxymoron if I've ever heard one. Don't worry though, jumping in to defend such a joke will make everyone realise what a good person you are, I'm sure there's still plenty of people who aren't aware of the virtuous saint we have in our midst, so carry on 'lad'.

Wow. Unbelievable - where do you people come from?!

“It’s ok son, just take the abuse - you’ll be fine.”
Stupid!? Quick somebody DM me the number for that hotline, I'm being bullied!

Once upon a time it would be that you took your licks in school, but that doesn't happen much these days so the little ruffs go online to do it where yes, a simple block solves a lot. An entire charity set up to combat cyber 'bullying' is a farce and you know it, how about we do more to fight cancer or poverty instead of giving counselling to little Timmy because somebody told him he sucked at Overwatch. This is just creating issues where issues don't exist, and if somebody in your friend group is spreading rumours about you, that'll sort itself out if they are actually your friends.

The premise of crap like this is specifically internet bullying, which is an oxymoron if I've ever heard one. Don't worry though, jumping in to defend such a joke will make everyone realise what a good person you are, I'm sure there's still plenty of people who aren't aware of the virtuous saint we have in our midst, so carry on 'lad'.

Stop... you're just embarrassing yourself. Again the level of stupidity is way beyond anything else I've read on here and that takes some doing.

The fact not one of those 3 charities are solely based on cyber bullying but bullying in general but I imagine you already knew that.

There are multiple charities for cancer and poverty, are you suggesting we stop all charities that you don't seem worthy and only support those two?

I guess we should tell little Timmy's parents that instead of committing suicide due to bullying he should have just took those licks, that should be comforting to hear.

Acting a saint? What because i have no issue with a company donating money to charities that try and combat bullying whether that's in person or online? Maybe I should pretend to be the internet tough guy like yourself, no doubt you would have just knocked anyone out who said anything bad to you as you're such the hard b....

I can imagine you're the type who think its a woman's fault for being sexually assaulted as they wore a short skirt. Go on admit it you are aren't you.

Anyway I wont bother responding to any more of your nonsense, you're boring me already and it's a waste of my time on this lovely Sunday.

Take care lad.
I grew up with the early days of the internet, and was lucky not to have ever been billed at school but times are completely different now

Years ago some people would be bullied at school but at least they could go home and try to forget about it. now they all have smartphones and WhatsApp or Snapchat and the bullying continues outside of school. Must be awful.
Yes must be terribly awful not having the capability to disconnect from the internet and having a smartphone that is on 24/7 and can never be switched off
Yes that is the only answer to stop bullying. Turn off everything that connects you to the outside world and become a recluse in your own home.

Intelligent stuff. Amazes me how simple some people are and how they see things. Baffling.
Turn off everything that connects you to the outside world and become a recluse in your own home.

Because turning off the internet means your body stops working and you can't go outside ?

I mean it's not like you can't just avoid social media if it's causing you hassle, or block those giving you grief, I'd much rather people say mean words than physically abuse me if I was getting bullied

Kids survived for thousands of years before the internet, now suddenly their survival is hinged on access to Facebook and Twitter ? :rolleyes:
So my last comment on this bullying stuff as its taking away from the thread but I just want to be clear on a couple of peoples views on here.

Firstly I have never been bullied and to my knowledge never really seen bullying either in school or a work place but I'm fully aware of what it can do.

So a gaming company donates to 3 charities that try and provide support for those who are being bullied either in person, over the internet or both. Bullying can be devastating and life changing for many, especially children. People have even taken their lives as they believe they can no longer cope or there is no way out of it.

Yet we have 1 person who seemingly has an issue with it and finds it laughable to support such a cause and asks why not give it to cancer or a homeless charity. Then another bright spark suggests they just turn off all contact with the outside world, switch off the internet, turn off their phone and stay in the house away from everyone and everything because that's clearly the answer to solving the problem.

Honest to god, it's incredible how some people think.

Anyway I'm done.
Then another bright spark suggests they just turn off all contact with the outside world, switch off the internet, turn off their phone and stay in the house away from everyone and everything because that's clearly the answer to solving the problem.

Seems like you're the bright spark if you think not going on the internet or not using Facebook/Twitter means you also can't go outside or do stuff kids used to do before the internet like play with actual toys or dig holes in the garden or climb trees or ride a bike etc

Online bullying is probably the easiest form of bullying to actually avoid and mitigate but if you want to turn an entire generation into overly sensitive flakes of snow like yourself, knock yourself out :)
Seems like you're the bright spark if you think not going on the internet or not using Facebook/Twitter means you also can't go outside or do stuff kids used to do before the internet like play with actual toys or dig holes in the garden or climb trees or ride a bike etc

Online bullying is probably the easiest form of bullying to actually avoid and mitigate but if you want to turn an entire generation into overly sensitive flakes of snow like yourself, knock yourself out :)

You are totally missing every issue with this and are quite obviously refusing to understand or to dull to understand.

Anyway, E3 :-D
This is to the 2 guys above who think to stop online bullying is as easy as turning off the internet. Sorry for derailing the thread.

As a parent of a child who gets bullied offline and online , it's not as easy to avoid as you so cleverly and expertly point out. My son is 12 years old and is overweight (although he is trying his utmost to combat this by exercising and eating properly). His is an avid gamer , loves his ps4 and pc. He also goes out on his bike etc, so yes he does get away from the net (weather permitting).

I will give you a few examples of the bullying against him . He loves his FIFA game on his ps4 , all his mates play it at school. He logged in one night to see 4 or 5 lads from his new class (he's year 8 at secondary school) , one of the boys invited him into the group/party chat to join the others for a game or 2. As soon as he joined he was kicked out and 2 of the lads pm-ed him to state that "he was too fat to play fifa" , he was gutted and couldnt understand why these boys were being so mean. Now if you think he is a bit of ********* , stand back and have a think....hes 12 years old ffs.

They all have smartphones and regulary post stuff on whatsapp in a group chat about him , which in turn ends up on another group chat , so before you know it , its all around his year in school. People sniggering as he walks past in the corridor , throwing things at him etc . The list goes on. It is ****ing endless. So even if he isnt part of these groups it still effects him.

It isnt like years ago when you could slug it out with a certain bully and that would send out a message to the rest of the group to stop it etc. The use of technology makes it spread like wildfire , instantly.

Words do just as much damage , if not more sometimes than having a physical fight with a bully. My son is not a ********* , its in his nature to be timid.

I hope to god you never have to see your child in tears, scared of what people are sniggering at every day , every week in school. The school can only do so much , so I in no way blame them.
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No, the guys above are obviously experts. Your son should turn the taps off and just ignore it. Nothing like toxic male culture.
Is there anything other than Halo that is going to be interesting in Microsofts event...

Think From/GRRM's game will be revealed at the MS show, as well as a couple of other third party big hitters. They'll have 14 first party titles as well that will likely make it to PC. And I suppose I'll have a gander at their new hardware as well.
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