Easyriders Cinema Room

24 Dec 2005
Thread Updated with Finished PICS














The Gear

Tannoy F4 Custom
Tannoy F1 Custom
Tannoy FC Custom £249

BK Electronics Gemini II Subwoofer £199

32" Sony TV KVL32 £299
Optoma HD700X projector £399
ONKYO 876 AV amp £599
Sky HD Free
Logitech Harmony One Remote £64.99
Bass traps and acoustic panels made by me £30

Total £1841.88
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I will update on a regular basis if people are interested. Should have the electrics finished and the last bits of plasterboard done this weekend.

Then I will be getting it plastered.:D
Nice!! Is the socket placement and wiring legal though?


The guy thats doing it is married to my sister and worked for British Aerospace before going freelance.

He now works in high end network management in computers but holds all elcetrician qualifications should things go **** up ( trade Backup)

Clever guy. People will always need electricians!

Its nice to choose socket placement over a the scatter that you get in most builds.

Socket choice is rare as nearly all builders just scatter a few about the room.

Now I get to choose.:D
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Looking good mate, just one thing am sure you wont mind if I point out those plaster boards need a few more nails in, I think every 6" is the standard for a nice flat finish other wise they can buckle when they become damp with the weight of the plaster though i am sure your plasterer will sort it out :cool::)

Thanks for the tips.

Knocking in a few extra won't do any harm at all thanks mate :)
Little update.

I have nearly finished the plaster board over the weekend. The Beam as now been done and around the door.

I have had some more sockets put in and just fitted some LED wall lighting:p Will post some more pics soon.

Getting some Black sockets like this..

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IMO that depends on the colour of the room............and whether or not you're still living in the early nineties!! :p


White look boring imo.

I think black will just blend in.

The main wall that the screen will be going on will be black.

Haven't decided on the colour of the other walls yet.
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I now have the plasterboard up and around the window and door finished.

I filmed the floor being put in with my movie camera so I will get some stills from the movie camera to show you how I made the floor level and raised it and insulated it using 2" thick Polystyrene Blocks.

You can see the pictures of my helpers :p

All I need to do now is cut some holes for the speaker wire Banana plug sockets for the surrounds.


And cut a few for the coaxial cable and satalite cable.

That and finish the Led lights in the walls.

Check back tommorow when I will have more pics :)

Ringing the plasterer tommorow can't wait :D
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Its a projector! Look at the HDMI and power leads coming out of the ceiling in the pics :)

I have will mount the TV under the screen

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