Edinburgh Meet March 2006

I only took a few pictures, will post them as soon as I get the nod from Garp 'cos he's in one.

As Garp said ok to photos being posted here are 2 from the Harry Potter flicks :p


The Prisoner of Azkhaban


Security footage of HP sneaking about the Hogwarts grounds late at night :p

SCM said:
As Garp said ok to photos being posted here are 2 from the Harry Potter flicks :p
He did?


We saw this car and were instantly reminded of another forum member.

Two pictures of Mons Meg - One mah00sive siege cannon at the very top of Edinburgh castle. It used to shoot up to 2 miles and was last fired back in 16xx when the barrel burst.

We later found Harry Potter outside the pub in Hogsmeade!

Further to MB's post about not forgetting other forum members, Feek and I became aware on Sunday morning that Otacon was staying in the same hotel as us. I was quite upset that he didn't come and say hello.

How did I know this? The luggage was the key:

I didn't even attend a meet and yet still I'm thought of in a pink metrogay light.... I dont know if I should be flattered of offended :p
Otacon said:
I didn't even attend a meet and yet still I'm thought of in a pink metrogay light.... I dont know if I should be flattered of offended :p

Take your pick ;)

I have to say, two of the recurring themes of the weekend were:
Me = Harry Potter
Otacon = Homogay. *shrug*
Otacon said:
I didn't even attend a meet and yet still I'm thought of in a pink metrogay light.... I dont know if I should be flattered of offended :p
Awwwww, it's just cause you are so pretty ;)
You might not have been with us in person, but you were at least vaguely trying to be with us in spirit (if not totally successful.) This was spotted in one of the places we went:

Brynn said:
I thought it was his eye

Nuh uh.. was a previous girlfriends eye. She had lovely eyes :)

I say had.. its just that now on the few occasions when she'll even make eye contact with me they're hard as agates.
AndrewP said:

Note to self: Never break up with Garp :p

It wasn't a bad ending per se.. I just no longer felt the same way about her as she did me :( *shrug* one of those things.
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