EDL March Against New Mosque That Turned Out To Be A KFC Cost Police £500,000

But we do have an expert (doctorate attaining) and a scientist (doctorate attained) who both are saying something very different to the hobbyists like yourself though. Neither of whom are making appeals to expertise.

I see your Appeal to Authority and raise you an Ad Hominem.:p
I am not saying there was no Arabic innovation, what I am saying is that the level of innovation is overstated. Greek, Latin and Hindu works provided not only the cornerstone of the 'Golden Age', but the walls and roof too.

And I would argue the opposite - Arabic innovation is understated in the west. Natural philosophy and science can be broadly broken done into three ages - classical, medieval and modern. The great thinkers of the Islamic golden age drew knowledge from the classical world but their ways of reasoning were modern. They measured, they observed, they tested.
But we do have an expert (doctorate attained).

Fixed. :)


Tunney is correct as well, the Arabic Scholars did draw from other earlier sources as well as creating innovation and ideas of their own, the same is true of the Renaissance thinkers and even today...that is how progress continues to evolve.

The Islamic Golden Age really began to fall when the Mameluks under Baibars overthrew the Ayyubid Dynasty, with them they bought a more savage culture largely as a reaction to years of war with Christendom. Of course its all a lot more complex than that, but that was, in my opinion, the beginning of the end of the Golden Age of learning and inclusion within the Sultanates of Islam.
Well having a doctorate doesn't mean you're right. Academia is full of competing opinions

Absolutely, but if you successfully defend your PhD you are rightly considered to be a world authority on your subject. Consequently, any serious scientist should at least consider your work and conclusions when working in the same area. This is the 'Literature Review' section of any subsequent work.

Dr. Tuppy :cool:
It's not an ad hominem if I am just repeating back what he said himself now is it. But I guess you know that. ;)

Yes but you went beyond repeating what he stated. So you are in this post effectively setting up a straw man. ;)
Surely though the protest was against the planning permission and since there was a big protest the planning permission was rejected and they built a kfc instead?

Seems so. From the story it seems that the EDL were opposed to a traditional English pub being knocked down and replaced with a mosque, as this is our culture being slowly displaced by a foreign one. But the public house, part of our British heritage, is going to be replaced by an American fast food outlet instead so they are happy.

Love the irony there.
History doesn't tell you that, that is simply your interpretation given a limited knowledge of history. Given that Islam has been around for over 1500 years and during the majority of that time the Middle East been one of the more stable and civilised regions, what history tells us is that the impact of colonialism, imperial expansion, dismantling societies and the imposition of governments and political impropriety has created a fractured and largely dysfunctional region since the collapse and dismantlement of the Ottoman Empire.

Shame they don't seem to agree with you.

lol, islam has been always about taking land from others ie imperialism, 700 years of enslaving Europeans, 700 years of conquering and hold on to parts or Europe.
Seems so. From the story it seems that the EDL were opposed to a traditional English pub being knocked down and replaced with a mosque, as this is our culture being slowly displaced by a foreign one. But the public house, part of our British heritage, is going to be replaced by an American fast food outlet instead so they are happy.

Love the irony there.

Not really, there's a big difference between a backwards religion and a place to buy food.
lol, islam has been always about taking land from others ie imperialism, 700 years of enslaving Europeans, 700 years of conquering and hold on to parts or Europe.

Given that the Seljuks didn't begin to convert to Islam until after they begun their expansion and adoption of and assimilation within The Persian Culture I think you will find that history tells a rather more complex story than "Islam conquered Europe" particularly considering the enmity between The Byzantines and The Sassanids which predated both the Seljuks and the subsequent Crusades and the reasons for them...none of which had very much to do with religion. This doesn't even consider the competition for supremacy within the Islamic World itself between the different dynasties whether they be Turkic, Egyptian or otherwise and each ones contribution to creating a unified, stable civilisation...one which fractured, became directionless and has been largely unstable since the fall of the Ottomans and subject to an endless succession of puppets, dictators and barely recognisable Govenments who are often corrupt, controlled or divided. In some ways such division is exactly what The West wants, particularly given our dependency on the resources of the Middle East and the enmity created by foreign policy and Israel.

But, sure...let's just say Lol..it's a religions fault. :D
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