Eid Mubarak

I was out for a meal at my favourite Indian restaurant and one of the waiters said he was almost climbing the walls as this Ramadan was a very long one.

I admire the willpower personally.

Trust me mate next year will be even more difficult as the times of ramadhan go backwards...so next yr it will start around middle of july which means even longer days:( lol

Anyhow Eid Mubarak to all...have a great one...:)
Predominantly muslim countries - Pakistan/India/Malay/Indo/Arab Peninsula

It was tough!

Training was difficult to stick to. I was hitting the 5x5 programme and I failed my squats for the first time @ 132.5KG. After that set back I decided to drop the 5x5 routine and just take it easy. I've been hitting the gym 1-2 times a week and just reaping the benefits of Ramadhan. I experimented a bit with keto and I've dropped noticeable body fat. Lost about 10lb.

Yeah, I tried the 5x5 but didn't go too heavy, it was ok but my energy levels were like 0. I don't think I've lost any mass, perhaps a pound or 2 of fat though!
Eid mubarak!

Im so thankful that at last I can return to a normal lifestyle, although I have got used to it over the last week or so!

I tell you one thing though Im going to miss waking up at 3.30am to have a massive feast! :D
Eid mubarak to all OCuK members!
I have to admit this Ramadan wasn't too hard for me seeing as i was at home most of the month (no school etc) although i have been to work every weekend (and it has been REALLY REALLY hard keeping my fasts)
So my hats off to them people who have been working all ramadan - personally i would be SO nackered like I am today!
Anyway i look forward to eating during the day and hopefully getting back to the gym (finally)! - oh and the funny posts we are going to get on this thread..
I, and most other ppl I have spoken too, think this month has absolutely shot by. It's gone really really fast!

Eid Mubarak to you all. :)
Eid Mubarek everyone.

This month has absolutely flown by! For some strange reason, the fasts were pretty easy too, after the first week or so. I think the fairly mild summer helped too.

Anyway, congrats to all those involved and hope you have a super special Eid.
I also can't believe it's over :(

Eid Mubarak to every one - from what I can tell, this is the most united that Muslim countries/communities have been regarding Eid in a long time and long may it continue :)
Its been wierd this year, I expected it to be quite hard, but after day 2 i was well into the swing of things.

Quite pleasing that all for once are celebrating together.

Oh and dark shadow, thanks to your stronglifts link a while back, Ive even managed to get myself in some better shape this year, Ive even been playing footy whilst fasting:eek:

Eid mubarak guys.
Eid Mubarak to everyone here!

Half my staff are Muslim and their commitment over the past month has been incredibly impressive :)
Well, you learn something new every day, didn't know ramadan was dictated by the moons cycle

It's one of the few things I did know about it. Primarily because I pay attention to things dictated by the moon as for me the moon represents the triple aspect of the Goddess and it is interesting to see what place the moon has in other religions.

Thankfully my religion doesn't have an equivalent of Eid or I'd be stuffed. Congrats to the guys and girls doing it.
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