Elden Ring

Wasn't planning on getting it at launch with GT7 being out next week but the reviews imply it's potentially game of the year and I love the look of it so I caved.

The price is reasonable as well since many places have it for ~£40 as a physical copy so I can always sell it if I dont enjoy it. Or maybe it just seems reasonable because I've been growing accustomed to Sony's inflated £70 RRP for PS5 games! :D
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Never played a souls game, Ghost of Tsushima and God Of War on normal were a decent enough challenge for me using a controller. Think I turned down the difficulty for the last Horizon Zero Dawn Battle due to frustration. Don’t think this will be for me? :D
Never played a souls game, Ghost of Tsushima and God Of War on normal were a decent enough challenge for me using a controller. Think I turned down the difficulty for the last Horizon Zero Dawn Battle due to frustration. Don’t think this will be for me? :D

They only appear hard at first, for the other games it is just learning attack patterns pretty much. I can do most bosses on the older games without taking a hit now. But when they first came out I died all the time.

If you are a player who rages easy it is probably best to skip it lol.
Think I'm watching different videos to other people, barring some nice looking vistas the game looks awful to me.

Glad it's getting high praise from people who seem to be into it.

The art style and theme really doesn't do it for me, reminds me of Silent Hill and seems to have used the animal creation algorithm from NMS for its baddies, let's mash this weird head on this disproportionately small body.

The animation and clipping on pretty much everything looks really poor. And what the heck is going with that horse thing and the trampolines?!
I'm far too easily hyped - never played much os Souls games and bought this anyway. The comparisons to Breath of the wild's open world is what snagged me :p
Difficulty wise is it possible to level up to defeat a boss or do they level up with you?
Game looks great the only issue I have is not enjoying overly difficult games but as long as you can level up it's fine, like the Witcher for instance.
I'd love to try this but like other from software games I find the difficulty too much to point it's frustrating and be ones unejoyable.

I gave up with bloodbourne for same reason, looked nice and loved the theme and art style
Anyone with Curry’s had a dispatch e-mail or anything yet??

I got in touch with their live chat around 9pm last night and basically got 'assured' that it would arrive on Friday. They wouldn't tell me when it's going to be dispatched in case it leads to disappoint if it doesn't get dispatched in time...

Doesn't fill me with confidence...
Difficulty wise is it possible to level up to defeat a boss or do they level up with you?
Game looks great the only issue I have is not enjoying overly difficult games but as long as you can level up it's fine, like the Witcher for instance.

Yeah you can always level up or there's usually a trick to a boss, I don't like overly hard games but I've completed Dark Souls 1 and 3 twice and Dark Souls 2 once. Some bosses are utterly brutal but there's always a way including simply levelling up weapons or levels.

Many fans of Elden Ring who never played a Souls game before will likely go back and love the entire series, difficulty and all.
This sounds different because it's a more open World.

The Dark Souls games were somewhat linear, and sometimes you would hit a wall against a certain enemy and need to keep running through the same area farming souls, to try and level up before going back to the hard area.

In this one it sounds like you can just go off somewhere else in the game that is a bit easier and do it more naturally.
My mate's obsessed with From games, he's badgered me into getting it, hopefully it'll get me off Zombies at last.
Just arrived but I have little time to play anything at the moment and I have the first Horizon game to finish that I have only just started. Couldn't resist the fancy edition at £35 though so this will sit here for a few months I imagine. Oh and I still need to complete the final boss on Sekiro. Ridiculously hard.
I'd love to play this game with the reviews it's getting but I've never played more than 30 minutes of a From game yet. Bloodborne was absolute tripe to me. Going to have to wait until it comes to Game Pass or PS Now.
60 fps can make a huge difference in games like this. Bloodborne had a horrible framerate I don't know how I even managed to finish it. Summoning other players seems to be a big part of Elden Ring as well so the difficulty can effectively be lowered there. I am just going to go in chill and explore and not worry too much about killing everything until I feel I am ready to. Treat it like a Dark Souls Breath of The Wild lovechild and just enjoy myself with it.
I flipflopped and ordered it as it's 'cheap' could probably do with a break before playing HFW as I just did HZD.
Seeing as this is one I won't be playing, I don't mind watching it all unfold on Twitch. It's already number 4 in the list (discounting politics at 3 because of Ukraine-Russia).
I expect help from @Plainsong, when I ring the bell answer my call :D

General advice to newbies. DO not get hung up on 'best' starting class etc etc, the game allows you to pick any path you choose, it only really affects the starting stats and weapons/abilities. A lot of people enjoy min max meta stuff which in the past always made me worry about my choices but actually, outside of PVP I'm not sure it matters too much.
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