Empire at War

InwardSinging said:
Its fantastic, i install it, goto play it and it says a security module required is missing. :(

Check the offical forums, get the patch, dont do what I have done with games in the past and just uninstall them after they gave me an error message and never bothered to play them. Stick with it! Wait till you play the game till you make up your mind :)

And someone post some screenshots PLEASE!!! :D

Something you guys who are looking at empire at war might be intrested in, a thread over on gamespot has shown how IGN might have used low gfx settings for there screenshots (And then slated the gfx in there review when they might have been using low settings)

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i wrote a preview for it (i got sent preview code because i write games reviews etc)

not really finished, but:

Star Wars: Empire at war Preview

Star wars strategy games...hmm...glactic battlegrounds (age of empires with different sprites- literally) and force commander (strategically quite good, but with horrible controls and an even nastier camera. Both potentially good games, but fatally flawed in some way.

Even with the flaws, i still played them and i have to admit that i was quite excited to hear that a preview copy of lucasarts latest opus was on its way to me.

My first impression is of the battle scene cinematic that runs in the background of the main menu- large fleet battles that look really rather good...im hoping the game will look this cool...

The game is interestingly divided between land based and space based campaigns- the closest i can get to a comparison is that someone has successfully melded homeworld2 and wrhammer 40k: dawn of war.

The space side determines which planets you attack, what troops you have available for reinforcements and so on- to the point where you can only call in bombers if you actually have some in orbit. Its very clever and seems to work well- it adds a whole new dimension to strategy gaming of this type.

Graphically, the space scenes are shaping up to be rather pretty, with asteroid belts, ionised gas clouds (which affect the abilities of your ships), and the ships themselves are pleasingly detailed.

The graphics during the ground based segment are a slightly mixed bag- the environments look superb, but some of the character models look like they aren't quite finished (not surprising really, considering the game has yet to go gold).

Explosions, weather effects (rain is oddly soothing), weapons fire etc are all present, and snazzy-looking.

Controls and camera...well...it looks like lucasarts have taken former criticism and incorporated it into EaW- the controls for both space and ground segments are pretty much standard strategy fare, which is a good thing. The camera is much more controllable, and comes with a cinematic view (very cool) and a sort of ultra-zoomed-out overhead view.

So strategy fans- keep your eyes peeled on the <insert release date here>. This looks to be a goodun!

words: matt french
Been playing it a bit today. Much better gfx than some reviews which say it looked poor. Game defaults to low gfx settings so make sure you apply the new settings then accept otherwise it reverts back to low detail gfx everytime.

One of the the best looking RTS games ever. Some very nice particle FX & explosions, high polygon counts on most models. Game is lacking a little something gameplay wise which I just cannot quite put my hands on yet but is still very polished and so far in over 4 hours not had a single crash or any noticeable bugs so very stable.

If you want to see the full gfx details @ 1920x1200 be warned it even slows down with a 7800GTX512. This is why I think they implemented a unit population cap. In game cut scenes are poor looking and about the only thing letting it down as they look like an afterthought + also very short.

For Star Wars fans (most of the planet then!) this is probably a must have for eveyone else you can live without it as just not enough differences over other RTS games although the space battles are really superb to watch especially when you engage the cinematic/movie camera modes :D
Woo hoo, my copy arrived this morning. Not had chance to play it yet with being at work, but i'm gonna install it and have a bash over the weekend. :D
Multiplayer confuses me.

I just played a 6v6 (soon went to 2v2) where my team dominated the map for the entire game, controlling 4 of the 6 resource mines (the enmy only had one, the other no one touched) yet they still managed to get to the highest tech, and get a ****load of the most powerful ships in the Rebellion apon is in minutes.

Control more resource mines means slower resources or summut?!

Need help with the Kessel mission ( think its about the 4th mission ), I've tried it like 10 times and still have not managed to complete it.

Anyone have any tips on how to complete it, please?
it looks stupidly complicated :(
im gonna give this a bash for a few hours tongiht though, see if i can work through the learning curce, interested to hear about it though guys, come one spill it :D
WS_TailGunner said:
2 big hairy thumbs up

yes, i agree. i was up until 3am playing :eek:
started at 9ish :cool:
i love the animations when things get blown up and the 'battlecam' is genius, but id expect nothing else from a starwars game, top stuff.
i think its really good, not a classic, but really good. Im a SW fan but thus far im really enjoying it. :)

oh and at 1920x1200 everything max with 4x aa and 8x ani it looks stunning
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