
18 Nov 2010
I'm having one next week, petrified to be honest, how should I take it? :D :(

I think it's GERD, hopefully nothing more serious.
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I'm having one next week, petrified to be honest, how should I take it? :D :(

I think it's GERD, hopefully nothing more serious.
I had a stomach ulcer and the gerd etc, the endoscopy was uncomfortable but not horrendous, i didnt have the sedative, i would advise taking the sedative when offered - just calms the nerves etc if you dont want to take it though, you will be fine, its over quickly
I'm having one next week, petrified to be honest, how should I take it? :D :(

I think it's GERD, hopefully nothing more serious.

My advice after having one some years ago is...

If you have the option for sedation, take it.

The "throat numbing spray" whilst it works to prevent you feeling the endoscope against your throat, it does not take away from the feeling of "OMG I can't breathe, I'm choking" :(
It’s not fun but it’s also nowhere near as bad as the average experience you’ll read on the internet. I read too much before mine and wound myself up way more than I needed to :p
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I’ve had a few without sedation, just the throat spray, both were fine just a bit uncomfortable really.
I had one a few years ago was only one part where it was uncomfortable when the camera operator(dont know the name sorry) said we need to go round a bend.
I had it when I had food stuck in my esophagus. I was nervous before because it looks like quite a serious procedure but it was done in about 2 minutes including getting 3 biopsies. You get a back of mouth spray but mine went on my tongue so I had to try ask for another with a numb tongue lol. Take the sedation they offer, I was nervous about that thinking I would talk absolute **** or something but it wasn’t like that it was fine. It is moderately uncomfortable but after a minute you calm down and let them get on with it. I was fine about 5 minutes after in terms of coming round from the sedation (I don’t think they used much tbh).

Turns out I have eosinophilic eosophagitus so i will be getting food stuck again and will be having more endos but the 12h wait is much worse than the procedure.
I'm having one next week, petrified to be honest, how should I take it? :D :(

I think it's GERD, hopefully nothing more serious.

Go in blind. Because it's not fun.

Take the sedation.

I still gagged. Luckily it was very quick! Did make my eyes water
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I'm having one next week, petrified to be honest, how should I take it? :D :(

I think it's GERD, hopefully nothing more serious.

With a gulp!!

Had one years ago. I refused sedative etc.....it was horrible!!!

I ended up pulling the thing out from my throat with the doc's hand attached!!! She said if i did that again they would sedate me!

I got through it.

I didnt want a sedative as i wanted to get to the gym straight after! Lol

Had one the other end about a year ago!!! Yikes!!!
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