I had it when I had food stuck in my esophagus. I was nervous before because it looks like quite a serious procedure but it was done in about 2 minutes including getting 3 biopsies. You get a back of mouth spray but mine went on my tongue so I had to try ask for another with a numb tongue lol. Take the sedation they offer, I was nervous about that thinking I would talk absolute **** or something but it wasn’t like that it was fine. It is moderately uncomfortable but after a minute you calm down and let them get on with it. I was fine about 5 minutes after in terms of coming round from the sedation (I don’t think they used much tbh).
Turns out I have eosinophilic eosophagitus so i will be getting food stuck again and will be having more endos but the 12h wait is much worse than the procedure.