
I had it when I had food stuck in my esophagus. I was nervous before because it looks like quite a serious procedure but it was done in about 2 minutes including getting 3 biopsies. You get a back of mouth spray but mine went on my tongue so I had to try ask for another with a numb tongue lol. Take the sedation they offer, I was nervous about that thinking I would talk absolute **** or something but it wasn’t like that it was fine. It is moderately uncomfortable but after a minute you calm down and let them get on with it. I was fine about 5 minutes after in terms of coming round from the sedation (I don’t think they used much tbh).

Turns out I have eosinophilic eosophagitus so i will be getting food stuck again and will be having more endos but the 12h wait is much worse than the procedure.

The one they stick up your manhood would worry me more.

I had that a few years ago as there was blood in my urine. They were using the flexible camera so no general for me. So I'm lying there on the table, the doctor is showing me the camera, its about as thick as a Bic biro and I'm thinking WTF that is never fitting up there! He then produces a large syringe of what appeared to be a clear substance, he says its a lube/anaesthetic and proceeds to stick it in my japs and push what felt like a lot of gel up there. Then comes the camera. To say it was uncomfortable would be an understatement. The male urethra does an S bend and that camera tries to straighten it even though its flexible. At this point I glance at the nurse standing behind me as you don't know where to look and see her glance at my old fella and then look at the other nurse and smirk :eek: Now the old fella knew what was coming and had tried to make an escape inside me. I just had to lie there and think, thanks a ****** lot :cry: Then for the final insult the doctor fills my bladder with saline so he can inspect it. I now feel absolutely desperate for a pee, to the point I'm holding it in as it feels like if i don't it will gush out all over the doctor. I'm that desperate for a pee I then get a stiffy :eek::cry: At this point I'm like WTF this sucks. My girlfriend at the time found this hilarious when I told her later.
I had one a few years ago. I can 110% recommend sadation from my experience.

I was expecting a tiny little fibre optic style camera, I was shocked to see something that resembled something more like a garden hose. It was extremely uncomfortable, they use air to inflate the stomach too, so lots or air coming back up, along with not being able to breathe properly and not being able to swallow at all, I ended up on the cusp of a panic attack but the nurses managed to calm me down somewhat and helped me control my breathing. I felt very sore afterwards too for a few days.

Never ever doing it again without sedation that's for sure.
I'm that desperate for a pee I then get a stiffy :eek::cry: At this point I'm like WTF this sucks. My girlfriend at the time found this hilarious when I told her later.
Lol, reminded me of the day after my kidney op. Got a "stiffy" every time I needed to go, but couldn't go. Had 2 litres backed up before they popped a catheter in. Had to have a catheter for a couple of weeks after that. On the upside didn't have to get out of bed for a wee :D
Had both ends done and as others have said, it can be uncomfortable but not too bad. If anyone ever needs a prostate biopsy make sure you get knocked out for it. You have been warned lol.
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There are 2 sizes of endoscope... one that goes through the nose, one that goes through the mouth. The mouth one is like a garden hose and uncomfortable. You want the nose one if it is a choice. Much less chance of damage as well. If you're doing it on the NHS chances are you're getting the garden hose.
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