Just got a smart meter, it is painful to see the daily spend.
Same £5-7 a day ( No gas, all electric , storage heaters , eco 7 )
Just got a smart meter, it is painful to see the daily spend.
I'm gas and electricity with eon I about £8 a day does make you think about turning stuff off.Same £5-7 a day ( No gas, all electric , storage heaters , eco 7 )
I spend roughly £6 a day on gas and electricity albeit on a fairly big house. I’m delighted it’s as cheap as that. At one point fairly recently it was over £10 a daySame £5-7 a day ( No gas, all electric , storage heaters , eco 7 )
More it just gives you a figure slowly creeping upwards that makes you judge your usage habits.Don’t think a smart meter affects your daily spend to be honest.
More it just gives you a figure slowly creeping upwards that makes you judge your usage habits.
Although I find it bizzare how much people use. I'm never over £2 a day when I'm in the the house including heating on for around 5-6 hours (including standing charges)
On Octopus tracker rates.Yeah that's not accurate if you're talking Flex/svr rates at all for most people.
If I put my heating on for 5-6 hours and set the target temp to one it will never reach, it will burn through maybe 40 kWh or so of gas, and subsequently that will cost a few £ not including standing charges, or electric usage.
Everyone has different heating systems and house sizes etc, but with a standard combi this is around what I'd expect at that usage level.
Are you setting a target temp? if it's reached it will turn the heating off, and then you're really not actively using it for that length of time.
Even in the same exact house, cost could vary wildly depending on various factors. Living in a 3 bed with say 2 adults and 1 or 2 children will be a whole different scenario than being single in the same 3 bed. The family in this case will have a need for more electric and to heat the whole house mostly. The single person can get away with putting a pc in the livingroom, heating that one room where they'll be most of the time and leaving the rest of the house unheated, while of course using less electric. Its more bizarre not understanding that everyone has different situations that result in different costs.
On Octopus tracker rates.
Target temp is 21 then turns off allowed to slowly drop
Even in the same exact house, cost could vary wildly depending on various factors. Living in a 3 bed with say 2 adults and 1 or 2 children will be a whole different scenario than being single in the same 3 bed. The family in this case will have a need for more electric and to heat the whole house mostly. The single person can get away with putting a pc in the livingroom, heating that one room where they'll be most of the time and leaving the rest of the house unheated, while of course using less electric. Its more bizarre not understanding that everyone has different situations that result in different costs.
I always set it to like 25 then manually turn it off. Otherwise it will just keep turning back on when it drops. Drops from 21 to 17 or 18 by midnight. Always 12-13 in the passageway/upstairs as the front door sucks away any heat (no draft) same in the kitchenIf it’s up to temp it will turn itself off.
I'd contacted them previously and they had told me that my meter was not supported and this info is still in their FAQ. I tried again, simply asking for a single rate tariff and then asking about tracker when they provided me with alternatives.I’ve now been put onto tracker with a meter that normally takes night and day readings.
They just had to make adjustments on their end with regards to the readings taken.
Trying to sort it via email was a nightmare and extremely lengthy. A few people have mentioned how quickly they respond but that’s not been my experience at all.
It’s best to call them in your scenario so they can make the adjustments on the back end. Unfortunately you’d have to wait until Monday now.
This was the 12th heating on from 10:30 till 3pm (I'm only heating one room though not the house)
Indeed and avoids damp building up in otherwise cold roomsRight so you didn't say that, you just said that it was bizarre people are spending more than a couple of quid a day, whilst you're just heating one room which obviously costs less, but the rest of your house is cold/unheated.
I'd say what you're doing is not that common, and most people don't want to be relegated to just using one room all winter. Heating my whole house to about 18C or so in the day isn't costing that much more to do, so I do that instead.
Indeed and avoids damp building up in otherwise cold rooms